CrazyKZ (Curt Gran) - 6/16/2012

Curt's obituary was posted in todays Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and in the LaCrosse Tribune and can be found here.

Note: The link to the JS obit is not available yet. There is a nice picture of Curt in the Tribune obit that does not show up using IE9 but does show up using other browsers.

Thanks Scott.
Been away for a week and out of touch. I was shocked to here of Curt's passing. We lost Katmandu just a couple of weeks ago in a tragic accident... now this. The times that I met Curt he was warm, friendly and as you all know DEEPLY AT HEART a serious biker. I am so sorry for Cindy and my condolences to all who were so close to him. Sorry...
Folks, I'll not make it to the funeral as we are celebrating Aeryn's third birthday on that day. He will always be fondly remembered and sorely missed. :(

Jim, I want a sticker please. Let us know when ya get it worked out.
I just called the Super 8 and it sounds like we will be able to gather in their breakfast room Fri night. This will be an area we can tell all the stories you would like but it does close at 11pm. I agreed that we/Me would clean up after so they will be ready for breakfast in the morning!

Hope to see all of you there soon!
Been away for a couple of weeks and out of touch for the most part and I too was shocked to hear of Curt's passing. :( I'll see tomorrow if I can get to go to the funeral...
Update on the stickers. I found my ink wasn't waterproof, and waterproof ink for my printer was going to be $75!!! So I called a local graphics company who is going to make 100 of these for me for $25. I know there will be more demand than that, but that is a start, and they can make more. Besides the ones that are already spoken for, I should have around 80 of them with me at the funeral. I won't be charging for them, but if anyone wants multiple stickers, I just ask for a very small donation toward the cost of having them made- basically just cover the cost of 25 cents a sticker if you want multiple stickers. If more are wanted after these are gone, I'll have them made up and will bring them to any events I go to. Here is what I submitted after changing the font to something that is more clear when printed.

I'd like to have one. I looked high and low for the one Curt sent me for supporting him in the 2011 Ironbutt Rally. Damned if I can find it..

I'll start making a list. For those who want them, please PM me with the following info:

-How will you get them? At the funeral, by mail, or at a future event (I'll be at NNE Stoc, CT Stoc, and Blue Ridge Gathering). I'll put your stickers aside to be sure they are saved.

Please PM me the info so we don't water down this thread. Thanks.
Re: Curt Grans Furneral arangements

Have shirt, will travel.

Just switched hotels to Super 8. Depart FL on Thur, meet up with Kreis in Knoxville then depart for La Crosse in the dark on Fri. See all ya'll there.

Still looking for a room to share. I'll be making a reservation for Fri at the Super 8 if I don't hear from someone by tonight.

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I was planning on riding down Sat. morning until I checked my calendar. I have a one day class (ERC) to teach (Lead Alone) with 6 students. I will contact them, explain the situation and hope all will agree to hold class on Sunday. I did a re-schedule last year but it was for thunder storm forecast and everyone was glad we did. The school has no problems if I do it as long as every agrees.

Agree with the 2012 MLR shirt. Black is not in mourning but matches Curt's bike and gear. Jim

I have been unable to get the students to re-schedule the ERC class to Sunday nor get a substitute instructor, so I will not be able to attend Curt's funeral. I will be there in spirit by wearing my MLR shirt for class and will spend a few minutes telling the class about Curt.

Wish everyone attending a Safe Ride. Jim
Cindy wanted myself (and STeve1300) to pass on the following regarding the procession from the church to the luncheon:

".... I think we'd like the family first, then the rest of the cars, and then have the motorcycles, in their tribute, follow. Seemed to be better logistically than having them (the motorcycles) in the middle, and would be more certain to keep the motorcycles all together in a cohesive group. I will still make sure that Pastor Tom announces that plan, but wanted to let you guys know so maybe you could start to spread the word a little early to avoid any confusion."

Also, the family is putting together an album of pictures of Curt. If you would like to contribute one, please bring a 4x6 picture with you to give to his family. They will have stuff there for you to write a note or description of the photo too.
UPDATE 6/27/2012 Route info etc.....Per Cindy / Rebecca discussions.... For the Procession from the Church to the Luncheon, the bikes will follow behind the cars of Family first, then friends.... we will be last. I dont have a route for that... just follow everyone else. As for our ride from the hotel TO the Church... great news for parking.... we will have access to a large parking lot owned by the local High School just to the north. Attached google route map.;FY1ynAId0sWP-g&t=h&mra=mrv&via=1&z=19
There was a minor issue with the stickers. Their printer somehow darkened them a bit, and made the blue color a little bit on the purple side. I'll make sure this is taken care of for the next batch. I'll have these with me for those who don't mind them, otherwise you can wait for the next batch.
Re: Curt Grans Furneral arangements

I will get to the Super 8 by 9:30 on Saturday morning.

Have shirt, will travel.

Just switched hotels to Super 8. Depart FL on Thur, meet up with Kreis in Knoxville then depart for La Crosse in the dark on Fri. See all ya'll there.


NHDiesel is still looking for a room share if you guys can help. I have his cell if needed.
UPDATE 6/27/2012 Route info etc.....Per Cindy / Rebecca discussions.... For the Procession from the Church to the Luncheon, the bikes will follow behind the cars of Family first, then friends.... we will be last. I dont have a route for that... just follow everyone else. As for our ride from the hotel TO the Church... great news for parking.... we will have access to a large parking lot owned by the local High School just to the north. Attached google route map.;FY1ynAId0sWP-g&t=h&mra=mrv&via=1&z=19
And I have an update to Steve's update. :D

The motorcycles will now be FIRST going from the church to the luncheon. The pastor will announce this at the church service. There will be a printed route. There will also likely be a designated lead rider carrying Curt's ashes.

Family will go after the motorcycles, then other cars. There is no police escort (but they have been notified about the ride) so please follow all traffic laws, etc. Safe travels, everyone.
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