CrazyKZ (Curt Gran) - 6/16/2012

Guy - I am sure there will be many dressed up, but we knew Curt because of motorcycling. I went to both Putt's and Terry's and I wore my riding clothes. Was not out of place at all. It is not what you wear, but that you were there to show our love and respect for our friend Curt.
I sure wish I could be there for the Friday night BS session. I just can't get away to do Friday night. So I'll have to settle for arriving sometime around 10 am @ the church on Saturday the 30th. It's only about a 3 1/2 to four hour ride.
I'll see all you guys there. I just wish I would have bought a 2012 Moonshine shirt. I'll just wear something black instead.
Hope to see most of you this weekend at LocSTOC also.
I was planning on riding down Sat. morning until I checked my calendar. I have a one day class (ERC) to teach (Lead Alone) with 6 students. I will contact them, explain the situation and hope all will agree to hold class on Sunday. I did a re-schedule last year but it was for thunder storm forecast and everyone was glad we did. The school has no problems if I do it as long as every agrees.

Agree with the 2012 MLR shirt. Black is not in mourning but matches Curt's bike and gear. Jim
I sure wish I could be there for the Friday night BS session. I just can't get away to do Friday night. So I'll have to settle for arriving sometime around 10 am @ the church on Saturday the 30th. It's only about a 3 1/2 to four hour ride.
I'll see all you guys there. I just wish I would have bought a 2012 Moonshine shirt. I'll just wear something black instead.
Hope to most of you this weekend at LocSTOC also.

Jim, You can borrow my extra 2012 MLR shirt. Mary-Anne has one also. Jim
Thanks, Jim. That would be great if you just bring it with you I'll see you there on Saturday morning.

There's another reason to love the people that use this forum.
You are aware that it is next weekend, the 30th. Was not sure from how you wrote this post. Hate to see someone ride that far to find out he is a week early.

Yup, I'm aware, thanks. I did manage to go to a RTE a week early last year...I ended up moving a tag, then coming back down the following weekend. Any excuse for a ride is O.K., even if its by accident! (though 2600 miles round trip might hurt!)
I was hoping to make it there, but it does not look like I'll be able to take off the amount of time needed to ride there and back.

I will be posting a thread on a Pony Express run to get the STOC Tag pouch out there. From there it needs to get to Tuscon, AZ for Carol's Alaska Trip.

Please CLICK HERE if you can carry the pouch.
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Thanks for spotting the hotel! Lisa and I got a reservation there as well.

I wasn't able to make Putt's or Terry's either, but there's no way I'll miss Curt's day. I'll even pack my heated vest if I have to ...

we should be there by 9 pm if not earlier. will be looking forward to meeting you. Kevin you guys are welcome to come and visit and hang out , we are not early to bed people that is for sure. would be nice to get together that night anyway and just talk about memories and friend we have lost.. invite is out there for anyone else in the area and staying there also... sounds like a plan, feel free to start without us if we have not arrived yet.
Huh.... we think alike (cheap)... I'm at Super 8 too..... I'll be up before dinner Friday.... lets have a stowners nite out! I'll also call the mgr and ask if they mind us staging a bunch of bikes there Saturday at 10AM for a group ride to the church. I'll aks them if they will have a storage area for all our overnite gear so we dont have to strap all that on for the services. (normal checkout time is 11AM). I'll put a little more thought into this over the next few days
Thanks for taking lead Steve, and for also reaching out to Chris and Cindy.

Lisa and I will be in a rental car instead of on the bike, but look forward to meeting as many fellow riders as possible. I may even break out my old Rocket_Cowboy ST-Owners tshirt to make myself easier to spot. :) Lisa and I are staying in LaCrosse through Sunday, so we can store some gear in our room to pick up after the service if needed.
Hi Charlie! I just got off the phone w/ Emily the Super 8 Hotel mgr, and she said it's fine to use the back lot for a staging area. There is also a short city street adjacent to the lot that she said we could use to exit (vs the front driveway). She said it's fine to keep excess luggage at the hotel past check out time of 11 AM. Your storage offer may be helpful to Curt's friends who are not staying there. I got a rate of $76 plus tax.... for a double queen NS room, as there are still lots of rooms available. She says rates go up as the hotel fills, and could not give us a group rate. I tried.

I sent all my motorcycle Facebook friends a copy of the message I wrote to Cindy and Chris Gran, and will keep everyone updated on any response. If anyone here has any additional suggestions or ideas..... let em rip!

"Hi Cindy and Chris, I'm one of Curt's friends. Over at ST-Owners, we are independantly beginning to make preparations to attend Curt's funeral, and it seems like the La Crosse Super 8 is becoming the 'home' hotel. Many of us will be riding motorcycles. I have suggested a group ride from the hotel to the church. I would not be surprized if there were dozens of us. Would the family object in any way to this? Would you (or any member of the family) like to be a part of this? If there are any timing concerns, or suggestions,,, ANYTHING we can do to honor our friend,,,, please let us know. I'll forward your response appropriately."
I'll be running this decal on my bike (just need to adjust the font so it prints better). Once I make sure my ink & vinyl material hold up in the weather, I'll happily make them up for anyone who wants one, or if you have the material and printer, feel free to print it yourself. I simply added the text to Curt's logo.

Curt's Wife Cindy Marshall posted this on Facebook a little bit ago....

I am sorry to have to post something like this on email, as it so impersonal, but with so many people to contact, this seemed like a good way to get word out quickest. As most of you have probably read, Curt was tragically killed last Saturday, June 16th, while riding his motorcycle near Minot, ND. This is truly the darkest time in my life, but I find myself surrounded by so many good people, many of which are ones thankfully Curt brought into my life. My family and friends, your kind words, love and support you give me are helping me get through this one minute and a time. Curt was my “Hunnee,” my love, my shelter in the storms…my soul mate. He was loved by many, and I know will continue to be while he is in God’s loving care.

Come honor his life with us, as there is so much about him to cherish.
A Memorial Service will be held at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church at 420 West Ave South in La Crosse at 11:00 am on Saturday June 30th. A light lunch will follow. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made in Curt’s honor to St. Paul’s Lutheran Church or the charity of the donor’s choice. If you would like, you can share a special photograph (4x6 or smaller) to place in a collective photo album(s) we will have at the luncheon. You can also write something about the photo next to it if you'd like. There are so many wonderful photos that have been shared online, but this will give his family a tangible option for those who don't or can't access technology.

God Bless,
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Looks like ST-O will be well represented I am not going to be able to make it 3 family events that I have to attend on that day.
Jim once you get out worked out let me know.. You know where to find me.

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Re: Curt Grans Furneral arangements

Hi Everyone,
I am Cindy, Curt's wife. I just wanted to thank all of you for your many, many kind words and support. I understand there is a memorial fund that has been set up, and I also thank you all deeply for your generous donations. I especially want to thank Joe Denton, Lisa Erbes, and Jeff Fremder for setting this up. Curt has left me in the hands of very wonderful people. I am a rookie to posting things out on these forums, so if I should be posting this somewhere else on this site to make sure all read it, please somebody let me know. God Bless.
With sincere gratitude, love, and respect,
I'm looking into coming up from Tucson and would really appreciate a room-share.

Re: Curt Grans Furneral arangements

Hi Everyone,
I am Cindy, Curt's wife. I just wanted to thank all of you for your many, many kind words and support. I understand there is a memorial fund that has been set up, and I also thank you all deeply for your generous donations. I especially want to thank Joe Denton, Lisa Erbes, and Jeff Fremder for setting this up. Curt has left me in the hands of very wonderful people. I am a rookie to posting things out on these forums, so if I should be posting this somewhere else on this site to make sure all read it, please somebody let me know. God Bless.
With sincere gratitude, love, and respect,

Don't worry, if there's anything we're good at it's spreading the word.

It's good to see you are surrounded by so many great folks you can lean on in this tough time.

If you need something just let us know or anyone for that matter and it will get out.
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