CrazyKZ (Curt Gran) - 6/16/2012

thanks for sharing Rebecca.
Been thinking allot of the first RTE I went to that I met anybody from ST-owners Back in 2006, that Curt organized in Galena...
They were all there!!...Had a great time!
I think we may have to get back there this year to reminisce!
I was on that RTE as well... I'm for getting back there, and this time, I am going down that Alpine run!!!!!!
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All great pictures Rebecca!

So many great memories, and these pictures bring them all back as if they had just happened again.
Worked with Curt for many years as well as rode with him. His desk sat next to mine for 3 years. Here are some pictures of Curt at work instead of riding. This was when we were redoing our local data center.

Rich and I will be heading up Friday the 29th after he gets home from work. I booked a room at the Super 8 ( on rose st.) just 2.5 miles from the church. I was not able to make it with Rich for Putt's or Terry's funeral, but since this is close to home, I will not miss this one.Curt is greatly missed and I love seeing the pics and stories everyone has posted.. Thanks for sharing. They bring back many memories.
Here are a couple photos of Curt showing off his hydration system and other farkles to Jim "NHDiesel" and myself. Curt's tips helped us both on our first rallies, and I still prefer his hydration system to mine.

His hell week story was breathtaking when he told it to us while we checked in at the MLR1000 table, the strategy he detailed in completing it will forever be significant to my dietary choices during endurance rides.


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Rich and I will be heading up Friday the 29th after he gets home from work. I booked a room at the Super 8 ( on rose st.) just 2.5 miles from the church. I was not able to make it with Rich for Putt's or Terry's funeral, but since this is close to home, I will not miss this one.Curt is greatly missed and I love seeing the pics and stories everyone has posted.. Thanks for sharing. They bring back many memories.

Thanks for spotting the hotel! Lisa and I got a reservation there as well.

I wasn't able to make Putt's or Terry's either, but there's no way I'll miss Curt's day. I'll even pack my heated vest if I have to ...
Thanks for spotting the hotel! Lisa and I got a reservation there as well.

I wasn't able to make Putt's or Terry's either, but there's no way I'll miss Curt's day. I'll even pack my heated vest if I have to ...

You can leave the heated vest at home but you might want to bring the hip waiters with all the rain we have been getting.

It is looking like I will be able to make it. I plan on riding down the day of and heading home after though.

Should the Super 8 fill up there are a few other hotels in the area as well.
You can leave the heated vest at home but you might want to bring the hip waiters with all the rain we have been getting.

The joke on me was the one time I tried to make the trip to Moonshine, I left my heated gear at home figuring there wouldn't be any need for it in April. I made it to Joplin MO before I had to stop the freezing. I stopped about every other exit all the way to St. Louis before I called it quits. Terry and Curt were both calling trying to find out what happened to me ... but by that point I was sacked out in a hotel. Finally got ahold of Curt to let them know I was ok, and after that ribbing I've never unpacked my heated gear from my saddle bags since.

I joked with Curt that even though my saddle bags were getting more full ... thanks to carrying a spare final drive around with me everywhere (which I also joked about when he was looking for clutch parts just before the MN1K), I always had my heated gear too. Damn I miss Curt ....
I had read this over on ST-Riders yesterday and still can't belive sad about this.
Prayers sent to Cindy/family and close friends of Curt. I had learned alot from reading his post on redoing electrical work on my 1100 years back.

RIP Curt the ST family will miss you.

I found this on the Wis. Abate site.
I thought some may like to read it.

Posted: June 17, 2012

Headed West ...
By Ric Mellon, Executive Director

On Saturday June 16th, 2012 the riding community lost Curt Gran to a crash in North Dakota. The news of his passing affects all of us deeply, and we all stand beside his wife Cindy at this time of deep sorrow.

Curt Gran will be forever remembered worldwide for the contribution of his wit and humor to all lucky enough to share time with him. There are very few people who will ever achieve or surpass the amazing legacy he created for motorcycling. His passion and abilities are world renown in the long distance riding community along with the contributions and excellence he brought to the motorcycle rights movement. His capabilities in the field of information technology moved the entire national rights organizations into the digital age ? single handedly. Curt funded, designed, and maintained the ABATE of Wisconsin web presence from the inception to just recently, and was always available at many of the state meetings.

We stand in silence in the shadow of his accomplishments, the love he shared with his wife Cindy, and the passion for exploring North America on two wheels. Curt is known worldwide for his abilities and accomplishments among the Long Distance Riding community as well as the many contributions he made in his professional life, working in the field of medical technology.

I am reminded and will share with you a story that I hold dear to my heart, regarding the first time I had the pleasure of meeting Curt many years ago. While Curt and I talked about riding, and -- for those that knew Curt, he had penchant for understating his accomplishments and skills as a rider -- I asked him if he had been on any rides lately. In a quiet nonchalance that was his style, he said he had been riding a weekend that had recently passed. I asked him where he went, and in a very short sentence he said, ?Nowhere special, just a ride.? I politely pried for further explanation, and he said in Curt?s best ?man of few words? style, ?Well ... I headed west to the Rockies, and then I hung a left to Santa Fe.? For those that shared a friendship with Curt, you all understand that Curt looked at the roads and byways of all of North America as we look at our own neighborhood.

Curt?s many accomplishments are overshadowed by the Love he had for Cindy and the friendship he shared with all of us.

Details of the arrangements will be shared as they become known.

Ric Mellon, Executive Director
ABATE of Wisconsin, Inc

RIP Curt
Ok - I was thinking, stop laughing. What to wear? Seeing how I am riding, ATGATT and the 2012 Moonshine shirt. I love those words on the back. You decide on what to wear, but I think it would be a showing of unity if many wore the same shirt, then again maybe not. Just talking out loud. Reading like a few are staying at the Super 8, maybe meet up there Friday evening for a nice group BS session. If we never have to do this again in my life time, would be fine by me.

Ok - I was thinking, stop laughing. What to wear? Seeing how I am riding, ATGATT and the 2012 Moonshine shirt. I love those words on the back. You decide on what to wear, but I think it would be a showing of unity if many wore the same shirt, then again maybe not. Just talking out loud. Reading like a few are staying at the Super 8, maybe meet up there Friday evening for a nice group BS session. If we never have to do this again in my life time, would be fine by me.


I was thinking the same shirt. I only bought it in long sleeve so I hope it isn't in the upper 90s that day. It is fitting for me based on the wording, it was the first time I met him in person, and all that Moonshine is. I may wear something else on the way down and change into it when I get there so it is not too smelly.

After talking about it with my wife lastnight and a little bit ago I would put me at 99.9% sure that I will be there.
I'm actually trying to get there. 1300 miles each way, so I would have to take Friday off, and my employer has been being a pain lately. I'll give it a try tomorrow and see what happens. If I can make it I'll leave after work on Thursday and ride through the night. I like night riding...lots of time to think, ponder, remember.

I wasn't close to Curt like many of you...I only met him a couple times in person, and had a few online conversations with him, but he was someone who was easy to make friends with and talk to. I had really hoped to get to know him better with time.
I'm actually trying to get there. 1300 miles each way, so I would have to take Friday off, and my employer has been being a pain lately. I'll give it a try tomorrow and see what happens. If I can make it I'll leave after work on Thursday and ride through the night. I like night riding...lots of time to think, ponder, remember.

I wasn't close to Curt like many of you...I only met him a couple times in person, and had a few online conversations with him, but he was someone who was easy to make friends with and talk to. I had really hoped to get to know him better with time.

You are aware that it is next weekend, the 30th. Was not sure from how you wrote this post. Hate to see someone ride that far to find out he is a week early.
I only bought it in long sleeve
Cool I got one of each!! Cool weather or warm!!

I am glad this is not going to be a suit type of affair. Although I could bring it, but it will surely be wrinkled from packing it in a side bag. So the 2021 Moonshine shirt is the unofficial ****! Sounds good to me!
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