Where did you ride today?

Went for a little ride up route 4 today its mostly country roads. A little windy today but still good. Weather is changing tomorrow and with rain and cold weather for at least a week i'll truly be on a lock down:rolleyes: still I got in three good days.
After pushing my small mower and sitting on my JD mower for some time around the yard I just needed to be on only 2 wheels for a change.
So took off on a short jaunt around town and out a little into the country for 26+ miles. Last time for a few days. Temps are turning much cooler tonight and there's talk of that 4 letter "s" word for late this weekend. :eek:
After days of rain and self confinement we decided to take advantage of a beautiful day and go for a ride. Took Hwy 150 to Ojai and then rode to the top of Sulphur Mtn, one lane road, very tight turns and steep. Then we took Hwy 33 to the 101 then 126 to Santa Paula and back home. ~120 miles.

The pic is from the top of Sulphur Mtn what looks like a distant Mtn with snow on it is actually Santa Cruz Island with a cloud on top.
I am seeing some absolutely stupid things on the road. As I've mentioned before, I ride daily to my FIL's home to give him an antibiotic infusion. So I'd consider that essential travel.

On the freeways, there are car drivers who are treating the open road like their personal race course, and the rest of us are the pylons. I can live with that. I move to the far right and stay with the traffic.

But I'm seeing motorcyclists out like there was a bug hatch. And they are scary.

One group was tailgating a couple cars on a back road. The lead riders were about a car length or less from the car in front of them. There was about 8 riders in the group and all were about a half second from the rider in front of them...and all were riding abreast, not staggered.

If they were the only group riding like this, I wouldn't say anything. But I'm seeing several like this.

If you do go out to ride...be safe.

Chris, your tale seems strange. In the UK at the moment they would be stopped and fined for any non essential journey. Then turned towards home. Repeat offenders are being imprisoned.
On a more enjoyable note, it was our first ride of the year today for essential shopping. Thankfully because by UK standards we are pretty remote that was a 40 mile round journey on some of the best biking roads in the NE of England. The sun was out too.
On Thursday two weeks ago, I decided to see if I could still ride a bike. It had been about six months since I couldn't because of a pinched nerve. After lunch, I rode up into N Georgia mountains to see if me and the bike were OK. It was so much fun I went Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Would have gone Monday but rain was forecast and I had to work anyway.

Then last Saturday I rode from Roswell, Ga (Atlanta) to Brevard, NC and back. 340 miles. The riding is great. NO traffic. Gas is stupid cheap. The trees are just beginning to leaf out and you can still see all the views thru the trees. The weather is bright and clear, in the 60's and low 70's, perfect for riding. I did get stopped by a gorgeous blond girl cop going into Highlands who only wanted to know where I was going. Told her Brevard and she said, "That's OK, just go straight thru town and DO NOT STOP." Yes, ma'am and I was on my way. On the other side of town was another cop presumably telling the southbounders the same thing. Guess they don't want tourists bringing them the plague.

Some will remember this time as "the virus" or whatever. I'll remember it as THE PERFECT RIDING TIME. Holy crap it's wonderful.
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I for mental health reasons took out my 2000 for about 80 miles (no pics today)- last time I took a ride was about a month ago. It was an A-> A ride, so no stops, even for gas (needle is barely off the F mark). 78 and sunny. I’ve been denying myself this for such a long time. Funny thing is several other bikers on the road as well as what appears as normal car traffic. No interaction with...anyone really.
Yesterday morning this is what it all looked like outside as it was climbing up to 32F at this point.

So waited until today to get my ride in with a friend from my former job. It was essential that I go to Pella, IA to pick up some Dutch Letters and a few other goodies. I put in my order and paid by phone and did a curb-side pickup. I let the person who brought out my order just drop it in the storage box under the seat so I was able to maintain my social distancing. Very windy today, around 25 mph, with gusts up to 40 mph. Rode across a mile long bridge over a lake near Pella. Fortunately the wind was straight on from in front of us while crossing that bridge. The ride was about 129 miles today with temps in the upper 50's lower 60s F.
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