65F in Cedar City, in February, and no Adult Supervision? Means only one thing, Time to go for a

I drew up three routes I could take and figured when I got to my first stop, I would decide the rest of the trip. I left around 10AM, and got to my first stop : Panaca Nevada and after gassing up, I took an extra 20 minutes while I ate a hotdog and drank a Pepsi. I then decided that the shorter route would be best. It turned out to be a good choice, I got home at 6pm.
354 miles total.
I jumped out to UT56 and headed West to US93, about one mile west of Panaca, where there was a Shell station (about 81 miles). I then headed north on US93 to where it runs into US50 (about 92 miles), where I headed East. I stayed on US50 until I came to NV487 and turned south (about 27 miles), that turns into UT21 at the border. I followed it into Milford (about 88 miles), where I gassed up again.
As I was coming into Milford, I could see smoke. The best I could figure out, it was due to them burning a field. I don't know (didn't ask) if they wanted to or it just happened.
Once out of Milford, I continued on UT21 until Minersville (about 13.5 miles), where I took UT130 to Enoch (about 34 miles). And then home (about 12 miles).
Riding down UT21, I kept seeing signs that said "Cows on the Road", and I took that seriously. Which was a good thing, I crossed over one pass, there was about 6 cows within 20 feet of the road. One was about 8 feet from the road!
The temps where between 59F and 65F, so it was a comfortable ride.
Some interesting landscape.
If you look to the left of my bike, you can see a dark spot, that's a truck heading east on the road. The line just to the left of the truck is the road, heading up into that mountain.