I took the ferry from Calabria to Sicily. It's a short ferry ride, about 15 minutes... the ferry operates continuously, kind of like a subway. No reservations, no tie-downs, just show up, hand over your money, and ride on board.
I've been riding in Italy since the beginning of the month - I started up in Zurich, Switzerland and headed south. Italy is an interesting country. Up in the north - Lombardy, Milan, Tyrol - it's quite civilized, almost like being in Europe. As one proceeds south, it gets a bit more primitive. By the time you get to the bottom, it's very much the Third World. It is, however, nice and warm in the south - temperatures around 80°F every day, which is a lot better than at home in Toronto.
Traffic here is very stressful. As a friend of mine once said,
"In Germany, red lights are an obligation. In France, they are a recommendation. In Italy, they are a decoration."
No-one in the south pays any attention to speed limits, stop signs, priority to the right, or any other kind of traffic rules. It took me a while to figure this out. Yesterday, I was zipping along doing 120 km/h (75 MPH) in a 50 km/h (30 MPH) zone when I was passed by a police car, who waved and smiled at me when he went by.
I plan to spend the next two weeks riding around Sicily. There are a lot of old buildings here, some over 2,000 years old. Apparently there is a volcano here as well, but I have not seen it yet. Tourist season is over, so maybe they turned it off until next summer.
Ferry Calabria to Sicily