What did you do with your ST1100/ST1300 today?

After riding over 6,000 miles with a Corbin Dual Canyon seat I got from the PO, a beautiful seat that just didn't fit me well, I downgraded a couple of weeks ago back to the stock seat. THEN, I upgraded to a Russell Day-Long Saddle that arrived today from RockyHayes!!! I also bought his Rackman Highway Wings and his MCL Fork Brace! I hope Rocky enjoys his BMW! If anyone has the instructions on installing the MCL Fork Brace, I'd appreciate the guidance. From what I've found so far, there seems to be some varying opinions on the fork axle pinch bolts and the fork brace tightening sequence. Thanks!
Congrats on your RDL, Wings, and Fork Brace. :thumb:
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Today, I dropped the oil & changed the filter as part of a VERY minor service. Then took her out for a 30 minute spin - narrowly avoiding scraping the pegs on the floor.

Lovely 19C out there today, no clue what made me wear the winter gear, got back sweating like a pig.
Rode the ST1100 "home" to Zürich today - will put it into storage at my Honda dealer here until I return in the summer.

It was a great trip - about 7,000 km (4,500 miles) over 5 weeks, superb weather, never saw a flake of snow. That's more than I can say for the weather at home in Toronto.

I decided to swap out the 2012 and the 2010 and have the 2010 on commuter duty again. I went to start the '10 and NOTHING! Not even any lights! :eek:

This is with my brand new Shorai battery too! Since I had recharged the battery that was in the '10 before the Shorai, I swapped them and then put the Shorai on the Shorai battery charger. All day yesterday with was flashing "Storage" & "Charging", meaning the battery was below the charge. According to the instructions it would do that until the charge is built back up, which is where it was (Just charging light on) when I left my house. So it looks like it might make it back. :hat1:

I have a feeling that the INNOVV K2 is drawing more power than expected. I let the '10 sit all last week while I rode the '12 in. I'll have to make sure I have the '10 on a charger anytime I'm not commuting on it!

The '10 was fine, riding in this morning.
Spent the weekend making up a bracket for my dash cam and Garmin Sat-Nav out of odds and sods from the plumbing kit box, so fitted it today. Not sure if it is overkill or not, so will leave it on and see how it goes for a week or two. Just been fiddling again & some new piccies showing the mounting bar better on its own.


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I installed a replacement final drive on my 1100 as the rear wheel splines were wearing enough to add noticeable slop. I got a used part from an ABS bike and discovered that there were a few differences, specifically an ABS wheel has the toothed counter wheel and the final drive plastic cover is shorter to allow room for that. Installed on my non ABS bike, the ABS plastic cover did not shroud the hub area very well, and the longer plastic cover from my non-ABS drive would not fit on the ABS final drive (different mounting points). Fortunately I had checked that the internal components and the main casing were the same, so the only difference is the final drive cover, so swapped those over to give a complete usable drive. What a messy job!
Good to know, Terry! Tips on the cover R&R procedure? PoST a separate thread on this in ST1100 tech? I don’t always read the new poSTs to this long running general thread and almost missed this...

Pics of your worn splines? Did you also get the matched Driven Flange (spider) with the replacement Final Drive? I’ve always been curious as to the criticality of that...

I’ve always been curious as to the criticality of that...
Me to. If they were a different type of tooth pattern, such as spiral gears, it would be a concern. For the type used in the final drive/driven splines I don't see it as being that important. There are people who have a spare set of wheels complete with the driven flange that they swap back and forth as the tires wear and they don't seem to have any final drive problems any more than anyone else that I have heard of.
SupraSabre said:
I have a feeling that the INNOVV K2 is drawing more power than expected.
That would be disappointing. Do you use the Park feature? If that's off would the K2 need any power when the bike is off? It be doable but a drag to have to have the unit power off when the key is off but have a separate switch to power it on (to use the Park feature) with th IGN off and key out.
Good to know, Terry! Tips on the cover R&R procedure? PoST a separate thread on this in ST1100 tech? I don’t always read the new poSTs to this long running general thread and almost missed this...

Pics of your worn splines? Did you also get the matched Driven Flange (spider) with the replacement Final Drive? I’ve always been curious as to the criticality of that...

Yes I bought the final drive and driven flange as a pair; I don't think that is overly critical however. I knew the donor bike was an ABS model and my pre-purchase due diligence was limited to checking that the part numbers of the main casing, driven flange and crown wheel were common to my non-ABS model. I figured as a worst case scenario I would use just the crown wheel and driven flange from the donor. The crown wheel shows absolutely no signs of any wear (130000km), so from that I assume you would be pretty safe mixing and matching the pinion and crown wheels from different bikes although I have sneaking suspicion that there may be a degree of shimming needed to get those meshing nicely.
I cleaned up front brake mc.
The dedicated snap ring tool made it way easier than fiddling with standard style tool.
Shoulda bought this years ago. 236538236540Happy now.
:eek:Joe, you what? Oh well, welcome to the world of computers! :(

After Bill and I spent three days worth of work on the 2004#2, I rode it in today to give a good shake out ride! It did great. Still a whiff of coolant, but it's not on the ground, so...

I'll probably ride it in tomorrow also, and then once Bill gets his permit from Nevada, I'll turn it over to him. :thumb:

My mystical coolant smell/1quart loss in 3months turned out to be thermostat seal. Just fixed it. Found it using a mirror. I was having premonitions of dying by ' coolant on tire ' when riding. I've finally calmed down.
Took Brutus for a 70 mile jailbreak ride to get coffee and soup. Basically it was a "circulate the fluids" jaunt.

On my initial arrival at the storage unit I was impressed by the manager, who not only recognized me (we've met exactly twice) but also called the bike by name. What an amazing memory for detail, considering how many people she must see, talk to, and deal with in the course of a month. Last time I'd seen or communicated with her was in early December when I signed the rental agreement.
Not much.235642

As a former Lake Tahoe resident, I feel your pain. What's fun is leftover gravel in spring riding. Gotta be on top of your game. Ask me how I know. lol
I cleaned up front brake mc.
The dedicated snap ring tool made it way easier than fiddling with standard style tool.
Shoulda bought this years ago. 236538236540Happy now.
Make, model and source? Please. I’ve been looking for one with longer tips, just for that job. TIA
Nice snowy pic...

Just heard on the news that this past February has been the only one in over 100+ years to not hit 70*F.
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