Ride For Cambodia?

Dace, George, Danny.... Any of you guys want to borrow my GoPro for the trip? I've got two cases so you could setup two mounts for it, although I think a helmet mount would probably work best. Someone would need to have a netbook to dump the memory card and it takes a mini USB to charge.
That is a truly sweet offer, Smash. Thanks so much.
I would hate to be responsible for it but I sure would pay for a replacement if it ever came to that.
I may have to break down and take the net book then.

I know folks would appreciate the videos. We could put you in the credits. :)
Yeah Danny/all if you gonna ride in others countries you mustta have INTERNATIONAL driver licence also your state driver licence plus Insurance that will covers those countries we will go riding in. Or you/we can purchase insurance coverage while renting a bike if available?
My 2cent.

I may just go ahead and get another International Drivers Licence whether or not it's needed. It adds a layer of insulation at traffic stops.
Local AAA issues them.
I'll probably never need it but better to have it and not need it than the other way around.
If you do go for this SPECIFY the motorcycle part and make sure it arrives on the final product.
Just a side note, STrayCatt and family with Christy's father Joe will be in West India/Delhi area same time we're all in S.E.A. :D

Danny, here's the route Bangkok to Paris via Delhi (and Pakistan, Iran Turkey, etc.)

(Not sure the Iranians would co-operate, but the Tuff Miles guys did it across Siberia from Moscow to South Korea so it is technically possible. :D)
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Ok, folks, I'm gonna have to be more serious from now-on, No world trip at this point. Only SEA trip for todayz! But its tempting though.... would by EPIC motorpsycho trip right! :D Just wanna get these two guys, Olegeezer/Digiocomo juices flowing :rofl1:
Danny, here's the route Bangkok to Paris via Delhi (and Pakistan, Iran Turkey, etc.)

What? You don't want to include Iraq and Syria is this route. I thought you enjoyed excitement? :eek::eek::rofl1:
I would prefer a route through the upper "stan" countries and as appealing as it may be, avoid Afganistan and Iran if only because of the extra paperwork involved when one of us gets shot, although I'm sure it's all "technically possible"... :) ;)

Good info on the bike purchase topic and the Myanmar aircraft dig. All this gets me excited.
No reason we couln't fly to Malaysia from BKK and return to Cam with new bikes. :D
Renting looks better all the time, to me. Less paper work, no worry with resale, if we don't like the bike we just turn it in and get another......
No muss, no fuss. If we wanna rest, we take a bus or a rickshaw or a train.......
Dey say rentals are cheap, say 800 Bhat/day ??
Speaking of next trip...
Delhi to Nepal?
Length of the Phillipines?
Around Australia?
Count all the sheep in New Zealand?
Taiwan to Paris via Siberia?
Western and Eastern Urp?

All of the above? :D
Speaking of next trip...
Delhi to Nepal?
Length of the Phillipines?
Around Australia?
Count all the sheep in New Zealand?
Taiwan to Paris via Siberia?
Western and Eastern Urp?

All of the above? :D

I'm real happy for you guys. But do you have any idea how hard it is for a working man to read this?;) I look forward to the reports!
Mark, just get as old as we then join us. BTW, we didn't get here by sitting around messaging on social networks,,, we EARNED our privileges. Now, GET OF MY LAWN! <ducking> :crackup
I'm real happy for you guys. But do you have any idea how hard it is for a working man to read this?;) I look forward to the reports!

Mark, just tell your employer you're going on sabbatical and go with us...... Tip is working that way.
I know too well how hard that would be to do. When you have those obligations, well, you just have to take care of real business.
I'm real happy for you guys. But do you have any idea how hard it is for a working man to read this? I look forward to the reports!

Thanks Mark, I know from where you speak...

Talkin' about envious of the retired folks for traipsing around on motorcycles while I am "stuck" at work... It takes me back to the years I chomped at the bit reading all the posts and stories of perma-ridin adventurers.
Ya, it feels good to be There now...but I may have had a bit of tunnel vision then, looking for and noticing only those guys who were out on mega rides. Target fixation by choice maybe, but it helped pull me through those years.

Thank you to all those who ride in and with the wind for the inspiration for me to do the same. :)
Folks, Sorry to inform you that I cancel my SEA trip, due to couple new projects at work. they told me I only can take a month sabbatical leave. I told the boss thank, but no thank! Anyhow, its good to have a job nowadays be wanted is job security.
But, sadly I can't do these trip with you guys, it would be adventures/fun trip to ride in SEA also my bird place Laos, (Perhaps next time!) I will read about your trip via STforum, if any TIPS I can do to make your trip goes smoothly besure to email me....
Yes, Tip we will miss you and your language skills. I can remember that shortly after I started work, my employer started a program that gave you an "extended" vacation benefit. Theoretically you could get 13 weeks off every 5 years or so. I inquired about taking the time off with one of my bosses. He said, "if we can do without you for 13 weeks, we can do without you, period". It wasn't long before that special vacation benefit went away. I would think things are even tighter today.
Sorry you can't make it but remember what Clint said......" a mans got to know his obligations", or something like that.
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