Ride For Cambodia?

Just Hep A & B are almost $500 by themselves. I'm looking for info on getting the immunizations in Mexico. I have a great dentist down in Nogales so maybe I can find a cheap doc, too.
Yep, could get them in BKK but the Hep A & B are a series that have to be spaced out over several weeks....so, probably not really feasible to get shots in BKK.

Meanwhile, I'm checking on shots in Mexico and will get them there if I can and may skip them if I can't. They aren't required, just highly suggested.
As far as the shots, I suggest staying out of bordellos. (No, I didn't say Catt Houses. :D)
The best way to keep from getting hepatitis A is to maintain proper hygiene. Wash your hands after you use the bathroom.

The main ways of getting infected with HBV are:

perinatal (from mother to baby at the birth)
child-to-child transmission
unsafe injections and transfusions
sexual contact.
Hey guys sounds like a blast wish I could go. To Raven and George on the shots look into your county health dept. I went to Costa Rica in 2005 and got mine at the Maricopa County Health Dept. Hep A & B. I cannot remember how much but I wanna say it was around $100 give or take at that time. It is a series and you need to get on it. My 1st one was on Nov12 the second Jan 3rd and the final one was May 16. Good for 20yrs. Not required for Costa Rica but you never know who's or what kinda house your gonna end up at. :spank1:
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Any once wanna buy A 1970 Subaru360? Go to Youtube check it out!

Tip, This trip would be epic, even without you. With you, it would be even better.
Hope you are able to pull it all together to come along.
Can you sell some of your collectible moto stuff and spare parts for cash?
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I been away for weeks, didn't have chance to reads your posted, I'm back now and will get time off from work to join you guys.
I'm back now and will get time off from work to join you guys.

This is great news, Tip. You'll be a lot of fun as a travel companion. Plus, I wanna watch you negotiate the tagged price on our bikes to the lowest "local" price possible. :)

For this we will buy you lunch and get you drunk. ;)

Remember, everyone who didn't buy airline tix yet, Joe and I land in BKK 11:45 January 9th. I'm still working on a packing list now that the important things are taken care of (ie. Tix, time, cash, and PASSPORTS)
When they saw Farlun (Caucasians) coming, the prices is automatic double or triple

Don't you mean Falang? Not a complimentary term for Caucasians so, Yea...It's good you'll be coming with us for a variety of reasons. :) :)
I bumped the GT-rider.com thread
Looks like at least up til' Sept. 2010 (last post) it was hit and miss. It's a wait and see situation and no big deal if we can do it. Plenty to see and do in the other three countries.
Thanks Joe, George, Dace and Tip for the packing suggestions. There are a lot of good ideas there in my email thanks to all y'all. :)

I'll bring some underwear, a couple of shirts and a harmonica, ...I'll add to this list as we go. ;)
You know the saying: lay out all the stuff you wanna bring and all the money you think you'll need. Take half the stuff and twice the money. :rofl1:
Everyone ticketed with passports valid for at least another 8 months? A fat credit card, and a kitchen pass? Top of my list... :)
Everything but the ticket here, still thinking about the shots.

Google "used motorcycles <country name>" to get an idea on current prices. My main concern, re: Thailand, is the time needed to register.

Tip, glad yur gonna be able to come too.

This link has gobs of info on border crossings by bike. Also poSTed in our e-mail thread, and will post at forums.rideforcambodia.com this morning. Good general info for anyone headed that direction and looks to be up-to-date.
My Farlang friends :D
I'm in processing getting things moving here, just got sabbatical leave form at work, will send in my redo passport today. will shop for airline ticket soon, may just buy oneway only because I don’t know if will coming back after this trip? May just keep on riding up to Europe! Then fine myways back to MN somehow:sparkplu:
(Me thought!)
My Farlang friends :D
I'm in processing getting things moving here, just got sabbatical leave form at work, will send in my redo passport today. will shop for airline ticket soon, may just buy oneway only because I don’t know if will coming back after this trip? May just keep on riding up to Europe! Then fine myways back to MN somehow:sparkplu:
(Me thought!)

Now that's what I call a "flex" plan !! You go Tip !!
My Farlang friends :D
I'm in processing getting things moving here, just got sabbatical leave form at work, will send in my redo passport today. will shop for airline ticket soon, may just buy oneway only because I don?t know if will coming back after this trip? May just keep on riding up to Europe! Then fine myways back to MN somehow:sparkplu:
(Me thought!)

Well that's quite a shift from "I don't know if I can raise the cash" ...Didn't know you got approved for about six months leave either.
My ticket can be changed for $125 so maybe you could think along the lines of a RT ticket with options to cash in the return after you nail down your plans.
These dreams can run away with us if not reeled in a bit.
Digiamo, Olegeezer, would you guys willing to ride from SEA to EU? I was planning on doing this in next 4years. ride fron EU to Da homeland with my cousin in France. But now I could reverse this trip with you guys. Then I'll change from 3months off to a year sabbatical!
Referring to post# 103...These ideas are great and I encourage all possibilities. My concern is the dramatic shift from not sure Thailand is possible to lets puff it up to include a near RTW trip

I think you need a little meditation time, Tip.

For me, your idea is gonna work in one of the next few years.

"A mans got to know his limitations" Clint
Digiamo, Olegeezer, would you guys willing to ride from SEA to EU? I was planning on doing this in next 4years. ride fron EU to Da homeland with my cousin in France. But now I could reverse this trip with you guys. Then I'll change from 3months off to a year sabbatical!
I think after 3 months in SE Asia, I'm gonna need a little R&R back home. I haven't even got this trip figured out yet. But I would consider a long ride east with ya at a later date. I started out a little ambitious about a side trip to Australia and someone slapped me into my senses and I come off that. I always defer to the "Dirty Harry" rule.......
"a mans got to know his limitations"....:D
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