Ride For Cambodia?

I bet you guys won't be doing any of those and even if you did, the bikes you'll have are probably 1/2 the weight of the ones in the video.
this pict must be during rains season, looks muddy.
Ya, That's about the worst it'll get. That'll dry out in a couple of hours. ;)
Good thing these Daelim scooters are light enough to pull out of the suction...:rofl1:
Who's going to get the STOC tag involved. Can't pass up these photo ops. When we get to the other side of the river, what would the BoyZ say if they were left behind?

Wish I could go...
I'm already ready for the ride reports....

We wish you could come too, Tom. Look forward to your standard encouragement and smiling posts as this progresses.
Who's going to get the STOC tag involved. Can't pass up these photo ops. When we get to the other side of the river, what would the BoyZ say if they were left behind?

Thought of that last night, Danny. They will be with, we'll just have to keep passing them around. Turley has'em now, right? <looking> Yeah, just poSTed on the STOC Tag thread we'll wanna carry them with. Danny, yur gonna be there first so we should arrange to get the boyz passed to you. Still got three months so plenty of time for'em to travel before that.

Thanks for the reminder,
Only fly is we may not be able to get 'em back to Moonshine in time. My take is if they're rolling around on the other side of the planet, I'm sure the stars will align to see that this sin is forgiven.
Guess it depends on who we drop'em off with. Dave (one of the principals, he started the RideAsia.net web site) lives in KC,,, would be easy to get him to Moonshine. :burger

Which I guess is part of the point of the whole thing, get more folks involved.

(Mmmmm, Moon 'Burgers)
IMG_7969 (1600x1200).jpg
Can you get us an LVTP-5A1 Amtrak to ride on? MCL would get a grin seeing those old tracs running agin.

Not trying to hijack the thread, but Lew Puller got this charity started before his death. It is also a deserving charity in Asia.
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Just viewed a PBS special on the worldwide human trafficking problem. Cambodia occupied a good portion of the two hours, and that was just part one called
"Half The Sky: Turning Oppression Into Opportunity for Women Worldwide" Hundreds of heartbreaking stories. Then there is so much hope in this documentary.
I'll be seeing whats what to get at least a portion of my contribution to that cause.

Thanks for bringing this up, Coop. BTW I got a "This site is temporarily unavailable" on that link.
It came up for me, Danny. Looks viable.

I'm thinking contributions to the Ride 4 Cambodia should go to Cambodia. We'll just have to go back to SEA and a Vietnam ride. :D

(Anyone else seen yet? Bunch of Vietnamese motocyclists doing basically what we do here. )

(I find it ironic, after years of war between the US and Coummunist North Vietnam they are now a capitalist country. Reminds me of US vs Japan in a way.)
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Wow George, this is really tempting.....already looking at flights from Tucson, hmmmm.
the more, the merrier, Dace. Last I looked, 42 interested at Ride For Cambodia Fan Page on FB.

I think there 8 folks last year.

Interested Parties: Looks like the best communication medium for this event is gonna be Face Book page, Ride For Cambodia Fan Page (not the rider forum, it's gonna go away.)

Also, the prime page (RideForCambodia.com) is mostly for outputting details as they occur, not really for 2-way comm.

So, if ya go with, or just follow the conversations, 'fraid ya gotta be FB enabled... It's inevitable. :D

I'll continue this thread as "our" more close-knit link, and to keep the gang up, but will be on FB a lot. (Just got off chat with Dean in Australia,,, he's enthused about our participation,,, used the same line I've used here many times when gretting newbies: "The More, The Merrier." :D
Joe (Olegeezer) just pulled the trigger on a ticket to BKK (Bangkok) $1235 RT departs Jan. 8... returns April, 13, United Air Lines.
The skeleton of this trip is starting to appear. :D
Joe (Olegeezer) just pulled the trigger on a ticket to BKK (Bangkok) $1235 RT departs Jan. 8... returns April, 13, United Air Lines.
The skeleton of this trip is starting to appear. :D
I don't know Joe very well, but I don't think he'd appreciate that comment :rofl1:

I want to be like you guys when I grow up. ;)
I think the whole point is to NOT grow up :rofl1:
I don't know Joe very well, but I don't think he'd appreciate that comment :rofl1:

"Do these bones make my butt look fat? :rofl1:

I think the whole point is to NOT grow up :rofl1:

Copy that, sir. Release the immature little brat within.

Oh, and BTW Joe, thanks for not deleting "Bangkok" :D

You gonna lend me your SPOT (in a "concerned parent way") again this trip? :):):)

Childlike dreams drive us
Tethered to all we put off
Free now, dreams rule us
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Oh, and BTW Joe, thanks for not deleting "Bangkok" :D

You gonna lend me your SPOT (in a "concerned parent way") again this trip? :):):)

Childlike dreams drive us
Tethered to all we put off
Free now, dreams rule us

LOL... yes, you got a spot earmarked... Just don't smoke everything they give you in those foreign countries... might make you start acting funny....... er
Okay - I'm in. Can't afford it but I'm gonna do it anyway because really, can't afford not to!

I'll probably fly in to Phnom Penh. Looking at flights that leave AZ on 1/16 (takes almost two days in flying with lay-overs) and getting in on Friday the 18th. Then flying back on February 4th or 5th (depending on what other folks want to do). Haven't pulled the trigger yet but am close!
Good decision, Dace. We'll be looking forward to meeting you and the others in Phnom Penh.
90% sure you won't regret it.
That's pretty much how sure I am that I won't regret it either. :D

LOL... yes, you got a spot earmarked... Just don't smoke everything they give you in those foreign countries... might make you start acting funny....... er

Thanks for that advice, Joe. I quit smoking everything about 30 years ago and don't plan on going back. I won't respond to anyone offering me to "Chase the dragon" either.
Besides, as you hint, I act funny enough without it. :D;):D
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I got all my funny stuff on with Wild Wednesday coffee this week so I'm sober and staid... I too stopped the smoke over 30 years ago and have no desire to restart.

Dace, really glad yur gonna do it. Still waiting to hear again from BDonald. (Come ooooooooon, Bob!)

I'm committed to going but haven't pulled the trigger on dates or flights. Plan to meet Danny in Bangkok,,, we haven't really discussed travel plans to Phnom Phen yet. Sure would like to ride the coast ride but might be impractical.

Also, gotta investigate a post-Cam visit to NZ and/or AU. Calling Kreis Weigel,,, got yur ears on?

So, a new adventure awaits. Current circumstances are forcing me to take this step. Bucket liSTs don't wait forever. (High time to start spending some of that retirement money.)

Also, Dean from Australia, one of the principals for this event, has informed me, "The More, The Merrier", so anyone else on the bubble, prick it with a pin and get on board.
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