
Can't make this up
True story, my friend was preparing for his wedding and his brother-in-law-to-be told him to go ahead and marry his fantastic fiance, but to make sure that whenever the MIL visits to book tickets with a firm return date.. He told him that in he once bought an open ticket and had to ask the airline after 6 months to do him a favor.. The airline was very supportive and called him right back to let him know that the ticket was about to expire and the MIL had to take the return flight within the week... Go Delta !!
................. after 6 months to do him a favor.. The airline was very supportive and called him right back to let him know that the ticket was about to expire and the MIL had to take the return flight within the week... Go Delta !!

I think I'd be dead if my MIL stayed 6 months. I subscribe to an old adage attributed to Benjamin Franklin — “guests, like fish, begin to smell after three days
I think I'd be dead if my MIL stayed 6 months. I subscribe to an old adage attributed to Benjamin Franklin — “guests, like fish, begin to smell after three days

My MIL lived with us for 8 or 9 months, around 2007-2008.

She was a nice old lady, very tidy, and didn't really interfere with the way we ran the house and our lives.

But we reached a point where I had to declare certain topics off limits for conversation.
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