Where did you ride today?


Not here yet. +4c, warm enough but lots of salt on the roads. Tomorrow is +15c... salt, salt go away. Lots of snow on my lawn.. that orange thing is my winter ride
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All ready for 2021 maiden venture.. but to much salt still down. +15c today, then below 0c all next week

I got out yesterday for my 1st ride of 2021 on my lunch break. It was +12C and I got about 60km in. I was doing back roads but agree there's a lot of grit down, and the potholes and frost heaves are nasty. The highways were much better which is what I spent most of the time on.

My wife and I took about a 150 mile loop on the wing today for a late breakfast. Weather was perfect In N. Florida today 82 and sunny! Bike week here so we saw bikes everywhere!
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Black water river state forest Florida panhandle dual sport ride on a WR250R with friends. I encourage others to venture off pavement on two wheels. A decent dual sport bike is the DRZ400 which sell used for about $4000.
Another nice day for riding... sort of.
Sunny and just over 60F so that was very nice. But a constant 25-30 mph wind out of the south with gusts over that pretty much all day. Expecting rain tonight and for the next few days so figured a ride was in order for today.

Decided on a route that was mostly north/south with starting out going a little west then east in the middle. Rode 79.8 miles. A lot of straight roads, as is common around Iowa, but also some low hills and curves. Just working on restoring my travel legs... er... bum. IOW, time in saddle travel endurance for some motorcycle/camping trips this season. Though I've yet to have any issues with doing a lot of time in the saddle on my Corbin seat. I can sit on that for a really long time or a lot of miles. I guess mostly this is for mental endurance much more than physical endurance.

On the way around I passed near the High Tressle Trail Bridge so stopped to snap a photo. This used to be a railroad bridge that was replaced, and then the railroad was taken out and replaced with a biking/walking trail to add to the trail system throughout central Iowa. Since I usually don't stop for photo ops while riding I figured it would be nice to do once in a while. I also stopped for another photo while crossing the Saylorville Lake Reservoir dam at the south end of Saylorville Lake. That's the marina you can just see way across the lake just to the right of the water tower (actually it's a third of the way up that side of the lake). edit: I know you cannot see the water tower. If you zoom in on that picture you can see some buildings way across the lake just above the nose of the Burgman seat. That's 1/3 of the way up the lake. Just to the left of that you can almost see the Mile Long Bridge that crosses the lake about half way up. Wind was too much this day to want to cross that on the bike.

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Got my '07 ST1300 on Saturday, put about 50 miles on it in the rain then rode it to work yesterday and today. Not as exciting or picturesque as other posts but I'm hoping to put a bunch more miles on it this weekend.
Over the weekend, I went out and rode my favorite 300-ish mile not-quite a loop. I stop before the loop closes, turn around and ride it all over again in the other direction. Anyway, I took this picture while on the return portion. It bugged me all winter to be so close to this milestone. And yes, those miles are all mine.
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