Where did you ride today?

I rode over to Bayou La Batre ALABAMA Looking for Bubba Gump's shrimp place. Turns out that movie stuff isn't all real. No Buuba Gump's in Bayou La Batre and no Forrest Gump to be found.

It was a good ride down there and the shrimp smell permeates throughout the entire town.
I took a ride up north to some towns in BAMA. I was east bound and saw this guy riding his wheels down the road west. I decided to turn around and met up with him just as he parked his ride at the Mcd's. I asked him if I could snap a picture and he said "Sure" so I did.

You know as much as I do about what it's all about.

I took a ride up north to some towns in BAMA. I was east bound and saw this guy riding his wheels down the road west. I decided to turn around and met up with him just as he parked his ride at the Mcd's. I asked him if I could snap a picture and he said "Sure" so I did.

You know as much as I do about what it's all about.

Looks like he’s on a crusade. LOL
90 mile ride today to pick up a few things.....Halloween candy, dill pickles, and Jarlsberg cheese.....mix them together and you've got:puk1:......don't try this at home!!:biggrin: Russ.
Maybe I'm riding too much? I've changed the oil in the ST twice (every 10K) and the RT 4 times (every 6K) since December 12th. Nope not possible, need more oil I guess.

I did ride over to Mizzippyy again today. going down the Interstate running 75mph and getting passed like usual on a Saturday. It seems the traffic rolls even faster on Friday Saturday and Sundays now on I-10 (85?). Anyway I got the "you got a flat tire" sign again today. Young guy this time slowed down on my right side (3 lane) and gave me the back tire point out the window and then the finger pinch flat tire sign. I pointed myself to my eyeballs and then back and down to the rear tire "Look" signs.

I weaved the bike back and forth near aggressively rolling 75 mph and he got it that it was a car tire. He signed back a wagging finger "No No" and then he took off again.

:wink-2x: :rofl1:
Rode the blackbird through PoCo today in heavy traffic, got to test the cooling system. Getting too cool [55F] for this guy, will have to get the maintenance done and get back on the ST a far more sensible choice for this time of year.
The Blackbird's cooling system has never been great and it really hates going slow. Since moving to Texas, I've noticed the bike runs much cooler than it did in Florida. Much lower humidity here. I killed a battery at Daytona Bike Week one year due to the fan running constantly. Talk about a nightmare. The last time I was out - a couple of weeks ago - it started heating up very badly. I've parked it and need to see what's going on.

I'll probably be on the ST most of the time this winter, too.
Today was a high of 70F with blue skies. The weather starting on Monday is rain, rain and more rain...with a high in the 50s. So I "wrestled" with two options...(1) sitting inside the house in front of a computer screen, or (2) go for a ride. Option 1 or 2, 2 or 1. 1 or 2. Aww, what the heck...I gave up and took a ride.

Where? This was a last minute mid-afternoon decision. So I headed down 132nd street to Seattle Hill Road and down a winding steep road to the Lowell-Larimer road. From there, I made my way to High Bridge road. High Bridge road was described initially to me as an LEO free road, because there are no shoulders for them to park on, and no shoulder for me to be pulled over onto. But...there's also no guard rails. I was told a rider went off the road. No one found the body for 5 years.

So here's some pics from High Bridge Road.





From there I headed over to Lake Roesinger. (Obligatory motorcycle picture. :002: )


Yesterday's ride from Mount Hamilton/James Lick Observatory, CA. Vlog, motorcycling starts: @4:42.

Great video! Good work on the editing. What 360 cam? What software? Do you choose the camera direction while you're editing the video?
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I just got the Insta360 One X2 and mounted it on my clutch handlebar with a screw-down clamp style mount and a small selfie stick to extend (I had one from my old go-pro cameras). Just drilled a hole in the bottom aluminum and tapped it and bingo I can mount it on a camera thread mount.

From a software standpoint, I'm using the Insta360 Studio on a Mac (apparently the phone versions have more features). The software is really easy to use and you drag in your video clip into the timeline. It's then just a case of setting a keyframe (you mark the video at various points with them) and then chose the angle you want to see by dragging the image with the mouse. You can zoom in/out too. When the next keyframe is encountered the software just moves linearly between keyframes. There's other keyframe sweeps but I haven't figured that part out yet.

They have a load of tunes to use too but you can also import audio from outside too from what I gather. I'm very impressed on the whole environment and I gather from the forums that this lates drop of Insta Studio is a game-changer. The Insta crowd have been waiting 6 years for it. I will say Insta got this right and I would definitely recommend this camera for Vlogging.

From a capacity standpoint, I got a 256GB SDcard and it last for 5 hrs worth of video. Battery lasts for 80 minutes so I'll get some more batteries or add a USB-C power adapter and keep it plugged in.

I'll try and take a photo of my mount when I next go on the bike. I'm going to add a second clamp for redundancy in the near future. Will update accordingly.

Here's just the motorcycle video with no walk-around vlog.

@Igofar This is after sorting out the preload with new oil. Thanks for the help!! Now I need to adjust it so it's not too stiff!! I also did a brake bleed/flush too. Brakes are less mushy now too!!
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Short trip today. First, a stop at my dermatologist who said I don't have any signs of skin cancer. Considering my absolute lack of doing much of anything to protect myself except to wear motorcycle clothing as much as I can, this was good news. :)

I went to a Bible study last night, and forgot my salad bowl. So I had a nice ride last night...and another today. :)



On the way home, the road narrowed from two lanes to one lane.


This guy didn't want to believe he was to give the right of way to my lane.



I don't know why some people can be such jerks. There were four vehicles in front of me and as you can see in that first pic, there was nowhere to go. But he got up next to me to the point I looked to my right, and there he was. Washington license plate CCL4499. Time: 12:43:01.

As the road went to two lanes again, he pretended he was driving a McLaren and not a Tahoe as he floored it going from one lane to another...till the road again narrowed and he had to sit behind traffic again. Maybe he was going to the hospital and just saving the trouble of a phone call and ambulance ride? He certainly wasn't driving in a manner conducive to passing his genes on.

Ooops...I forgot the obligatory motorcycle pics.



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