Last night MarkB and I at Obey River COE, tonight Willville.

Nice spot right down by the river. I like that place.Last night MarkB and I at Obey River COE, tonight Willville.
Will raised the price, $20 per person seems a little high ...Nice spot right down by the river. I like that place.
Spent the last 10 days in Arizona, Utah and new Mexico every day was windy and cold, barely hit 70 most days. There was so much side wind at 75mph that I could put my windscreen all the way down and there was no difference. At 6'4'' I normally ride with the screen all the way up and still see over the top.Only rode about 25 miles today. Wanted to work out the operation of my new Cardo Spirit HD helmet headset. My Sena SMH5fm died after returning from FerrySTOC. It will turn on... sometimes... but won't charge any more. I had it plugged in for 2 days and... nothing. So it was replaced with the Cardo unit. I like it so far. There are a few features that are better including a USB-C charging port instead of the old fashioned micro USB. Voice calling works on the Cardo. That was something the Sena was supposed to do but I could never get it to work. There are all the volume controls in the phone app settings that are also on the phone that are all separately set. I thought initially that I needed to set them the same as my phone volume settings but that made everything LOUD! TOO LOUD!! So I toned them down a bit and all was good again. My ears are recovered. The Sena unit I had was a very basic comm unit and if intercom was connected with another I was not able to hear the turn by turn navigation. But the Cardo unit still gives me turn by turn instructions while in a phone call. It comes across somewhat muted to not interfere with the call too much but is still there... Unlike the Sena. I know the higher model Sena units didn't have issues with this but this is the base Cardo headset. I bought the HD model to get the 13 hours talk time. The ride was good. The Cardo is good. Temps are staying around 78F these days. Yesterday we did have many tornadoes again in the area but not here at home. Greenfield was devastated by a EF3 tornado. Where there were no tornadoes the weather service says we had a Derecho... again, with wind gusts over 75 mph and constant winds for a time over 60 mph. Expecting more high winds tonight. Now to go figure out how to bend my tent poles back into shape without crimping them.
Veo el mensaje "¿Qué le hiciste a tu ST hoy?" El hilo tiene hasta 365 páginas. Tal vez es hora de que tengamos una pregunta continua "¿Adónde viajaste hoy?" hilo. Sería bueno saber dónde y cuánto tiempo viajan otros cuando tengas la oportunidad de hacerlo.
¿Viajas al trabajo? ¿Vas a dar un paseo corto de un día? ¿Acabas de regresar de un largo viaje?
También podemos iniciar un hilo y contarnos lo fantástico que fue cualquier viaje que hayamos tenido cuando montamos.
Simplemente salí brevemente y recorrí unas 20 millas. Recorrí la Scenic Highway de Pensacola, que serpentea por el borde occidental de la bahía de Escambia, Florida. Regresé a través de la ciudad y de regreso a la casa. El viejo ST1300 está funcionando bien y el clima era de cielo azul y cerca de 85 grados. Gran día para dar un paseo.
I have been in Spain. Northern. La Rioja.Al trabajo, de camino a casa, recogeré a un contrabandista para enviarlo a Steny365, en Irlanda. Después de eso a casa.
¡Probablemente 140 millas en total ho
Please post more Victor. I'd love to see some pictures of your bike out in the country or in the old parts of the towns. Just a simple click on google street view gives me a centuries old door and a BBQ area that is interesting to me.I have been in Spain. Northern. La Rioja.