What did you do with your ST1100/ST1300 today?

So what’s the law on motorbike’s filtering?
In 2006, a judge ruled in the case of Davis vs Shrogin that, “a filtering motorcyclist passing stationary or very slow-moving traffic could not be to blame if a collision occurred if the rider had no chance to take avoiding action.”
Checking the Highway Code, under Rules for Motorcyclists, Rule 88 states, ‘Manoeuvering. You should be aware of what is behind and to the sides before maneuvering. Look behind you; use mirrors if they are fitted. When in traffic queues look out for pedestrians crossing between vehicles and vehicles emerging from junctions or changing lanes. Position yourself so that drivers in front can see you in their mirrors. Additionally, when filtering in slow-moving traffic, take care and keep your speed low.’
Then in Rule 160, where the advice is aimed more at other vehicle drivers, it clarifies this with, ‘Once moving, you should be aware of other road users, especially cycles and motorcycles who may be filtering through the traffic. These are more difficult to see than larger vehicles and their riders are particularly vulnerable…’
So, it’s clear that the Highway Code has specific provisions that cover filtering.
It means, the next time a car or van driver gets a little antsy on the subject, you can respectfully shove their, “Shouldn’t even have been riding there, mate!” back down their throats with a “Highway Code, Rules 88 and 160. Mate.”
You are allowed to filter, and other road users (including yourself, remember) should be aware of motorcycles filtering.
New fuel tube from tank to tank. New rubber booties for the clutch and brake activation rods/pins.
One advantage of lane splitting outside the US (where legal) is that motorists are far more aware of it and it's apparently not only acceptable but expected.

CA is the only state in the US where lane splitting is allowed. The CHP has posted guidelines for lane splitting, but there is no office vehicle code for blessing or condemning it. Frequently motorists think it's some kind of outlaw maneuver. Almost can't blame them considering some of the motorphycos I've seen blasting between lanes.

In CA the default liability position is push goes to the rider based on case law. Cameras would go a long way to pushing back (as long as the rider is innocent).

My riding buddy (a motor cop of 38yrs) is thinking about the INNOVV K2 now that he's retired and spending more time on his non-police motors. I showed him Sūp's videos and he likes!
Yesterday I happened to run into the fellow that bought my 2005 ST last year. The thing was as clean as I used to keep it and I told him so. I asked to take a picture now at 187,500 miles it looks like it has 1,875 miles on it - which it showed when I bought it as a dealer "demo" on 2/6/2006.


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I wouldn't lane split even if was legal here. There's no guarantee you wouldn't get pinched, or even hit from one side. Who would be legally liable?

Larry, its not as bad as SS’ cameras make it look because of its 125* FOV fisheye perspective. Actually he has tons of space between cars as he *cough*cough* ...“filters”... *snort*giggle* his way through LA traffic. Yes, the place where maybe 3/5 have licenses and fewer yet insurance. No problemo.

Seriously, I almost got myself “pinched” between a semi tracker trailer and another lane of traffic as they merged. My fault really. I gunned it to squirt out ahead. Not my best SA that day. Yeah it takes 200% vigilance
I wouldn't. I'm pro-choice about most things.

Then there must be rules about it. What are they? What rules app;y to cars about bikes? Must they 'let' you go by?
(not rhetorical questions)

There is just no direct answer to your question, because it depends on a lot of factors, just like any other accident.
I have the RBIS mount from the now defunct California Sport Touring...


...but with just the single ball in the center. I don't recall the price but it was fairly inexpensive <$50 I think. OK looking, very functional practical utilitarian. One minor problem – almost anything mounted on it will hit the windshield when it's being lowered. So any mounted gear has to come off when I cover the bike.

I see the Migsel mount has the balls horizontally mounted so clearance is probably not an issue at all. And it's very slick looking.


Had I seen it first I'd probably be $150 lighter in the wallet (well $100 if the RBIS was $50).
TNMAN... can you tell me more about this dashtop mount. This looks interesting. Thanks
Migsel Dash Mount. Very expensive for what you get I agree but it is very nice and clean, the way I like to keep my accessories.

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
Migsel Dash Mount. Very expensive for what you get I agree but it is very nice and clean, the way I like to keep my accessories.

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
Completely agree. The Migsel may be a bit pricey but you get what you pay for and the Migsel blends nicely and works a charm on the ST.
They said the rain would be gone! HA!

FOG in Murrieta, okay dealt with it, then hit Escondido & traffic and RAIN! What's up with that?:mad:

As I got closer to the coast, more rain and even a little harder! :oops:

But it never got through the first layer of gear, so alls well! :cool:
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