A moment on your lips,
A lifetime on your hips.
Nice though.
Ya like look at them hips on BeaSTie. Still, she’s beautiful to me.
A moment on your lips,
A lifetime on your hips.
Nice though.
I'm almost speechless.I locked my key under my seat....
If you don't have another key and need to get the seat off;I locked my key under my seat....
It's enough to make your hair fall out, is it an 11 or 13?.
John's advice above re checking cable security in the rear clip under the cross member is spot on.......don't ask me how I know. I've put a hole just behind the cross member and then filled it with a rubber grommet so you could reach in and pull the cable if it ever fell out again. Which obviously it won't do now there is a solution in place.Tis an 1100, sir. Once I turned the air purple with profanity, and then went on the walk of shame to get the spare key, the Hondawife and I got a little saddle time even though we’re still only 4-6° C here.
So there is a silver lining to the tale of woe.Tis an 1100, sir. Once I turned the air purple with profanity, and then went on the walk of shame to get the spare key, the Hondawife and I got a little saddle time even though we’re still only 4-6° C here.
Saturday, I patch/plugged a PR4GT that was sitting in one of my sheds, that had about 5K miles on it and mounted it on the 2010 (the rear was completely gone!
And where’s the write up story on this ???FARKLE ALERT.
Right glovebox lockdown baby!
One key to rule them all
(Keyed to orig ignition key)
Do you mind doing a write up on this accessory?