I finally mounted the MC19 Controller, and I couldn't be happier. Those who want to try this some warnings. This is not for the faint at heart. The MC19 is 2.5x the size of the REM45 Controller. The MC19 is designed to be mounted from a Bezel ring not the back like the REM45. This resulted in the controller being about .75 inch wider and taller than it needed to be. You could leave this, but I can never leave well enough alone.
Since I knew I was going to be mounting from the back I used a grinding wheel and a large flat file to cut then grind way the bezel. You must be careful when your done the sidewall at the seam between the top and bottom shell of the controller ends up being about 1/64 inch thick. I chipped a corner. The first picture shows what you have to cut away.
After grounding the paint of the controller sides is trashed so you must repaint. To do this remove the small screws on the back of the controller. you can now separate the top and bottom clamshell. The top portion is just the button membrane. Pull the membrane away from the top clamshell. Paint the clam shell. When the paint has dried for at least a day reassemble the unit.
Now to paint the rest. Put masking top over the top face of the control head. Cover all the way out to the edges, this is the only protection you have to keep paint from the buttons and the face.
Use masking tape to wrap the cable coming out of the controller. Place the controller face down and paint the back and sides. Since you only taped the front face, the sides of the top and the bottom clamshell is getting paint. It's OK the sides of the top clamshell are getting two coats. Once you have good coverage let dry.
I used Motorcycle Larry's center mount to attach the RAM Ball system. I the control head is mounted to the a universal rectangular ram mount. This is the one that is about 1.5in X 6in. I used my cut away a clearance for the cable behind the ram ball, and cut the dimensions down so it would fit behind the controller. The final dimension was about 1in X 4 in.
Next I sanded the back of the RAM Ball mount and used the mount as a template to sand away the paint on the back of the controller. The mount is connected to the controller with 3M HMB foam tape. You can get this at auto stores. Its the same tape used to hold the fairing deflectors on your bike. After the tape sets up, about 24 hours. It is very strong, but can be removed if necessary.
Sorry I didn't take pics of the build. I started the project around 9:00pm and worked until 7:00am. I was just trying to get it working.
The MC19 Controller is far superior to the REM45. I have access to all the presets and I can set the clock. BTW: for those of you who are using the REM45 and would like to repaint, use the same procedure here to disassemble and paint.