A guy is walking through Mexico...
When he comes up on a Mexican man taking a siesta with his Donkey tied next to him.
"Excuse me," the man says, "Do you know the time?"
The Mexican man looks up sleepily, grabs his Donkey by the testicles, and slowly raises them up as if weighing them.
"Ees about one thurty, senor."
Confused but in a rush the man thanks him and goes on his way.
Later in the day the man is returning on the same route and sees the same Mexican in the same spot with the donkey still tied up.
"Excuse me," he says, "Do you know the time?"
Again the Mexican grabs his donkey by the testicles, raises them up and says, "Ees seex-feefteen, senor."
"OK, OK, how can you tell the time that way?" the stranger asks in bewilderment.
Once more, the Mexican grabs the donkeys testicles, lifts them up, points off in the distance and says, "See that clock tower over there?"