
Yeesh. 50 years later they're STILL ugly as heck.
True - but a pal in high school had one with the "big" straight six and a 3 or 4 spd manual on the floor, and that stupid thing was pretty quick.

The problem was that Gremlins had a really short wheelbase so once the rear tires were spinning, they would swap ends like nobody's business.
True - but a pal in high school had one with the "big" straight six and a 3 or 4 spd manual on the floor, and that stupid thing was pretty quick.

The problem was that Gremlins had a really short wheelbase so once the rear tires were spinning, they would swap ends like nobody's business.

As a teenager, and through college, I drove pharmacy delivery routes to nursing homes (I call it my "drug-running days") around the greater Chicago metro area. The company I worked for used a mix of Gremlins and Ford Pinto station wagons for their fleet. As a consequence I developed a lifelong loathing of badly-designed, poorly-manufactured, cheap cars.
A young couple decided to get married and honeymoon in Mexico. After having a wonderful meal they decide to visit some of the little shops. The husband discovers a little curiosity shop and in the back discovers a old human skull. He asks the shopkeeper to tell him about the skull. He said “Si, this is the skull of Pancho Villa”. Then he became really excited and asked the shop keeper how much he wanted for it. The shop keep said “4000 pesos”. The said that's a lot, but I'll take it!

20 years later the couple is still together and just as much in love as ever. They decided to renue their vows and even take a second honeymoon back in Mexico. They are enjoying themselves and decided to do some shopping. The husband sees the same old curiosity shop from many years ago and goes inside. In the back he finds this very old human skull, but it was really small. He finds the shopkeeper and asks him to tell him about the skull. The shopper keeper says “Si, this is the skull of Pancho Villa”. Now hearing this the man becomes angry, feeling like he is being taken advantage of. He says to the shopkeeper “wait a minute,I was in here 20 years ago and bought an old skull from you and you told me then that it was the skull of Pancho Villa! Without batting an eye the shopkeeper replied “Si, this is the skull of Pancho Villa when he was a baby”!

A guy is walking through Mexico...

When he comes up on a Mexican man taking a siesta with his Donkey tied next to him.

"Excuse me," the man says, "Do you know the time?"

The Mexican man looks up sleepily, grabs his Donkey by the testicles, and slowly raises them up as if weighing them.

"Ees about one thurty, senor."

Confused but in a rush the man thanks him and goes on his way.

Later in the day the man is returning on the same route and sees the same Mexican in the same spot with the donkey still tied up.

"Excuse me," he says, "Do you know the time?"

Again the Mexican grabs his donkey by the testicles, raises them up and says, "Ees seex-feefteen, senor."

"OK, OK, how can you tell the time that way?" the stranger asks in bewilderment.

Once more, the Mexican grabs the donkeys testicles, lifts them up, points off in the distance and says, "See that clock tower over there?"
True - but a pal in high school had one with the "big" straight six and a 3 or 4 spd manual on the floor, and that stupid thing was pretty quick.

The problem was that Gremlins had a really short wheelbase so once the rear tires were spinning, they would swap ends like nobody's business.
Oh, they got a lot wilder than that. Available with V8's and 4speeds, 391 gears. There is an exceedingly rare version with a 401/4speed combo. Scary in a 2600lb car.
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