A man was sitting peacefully, reading his newspaper, when his wife suddenly walked up behind him and smacked him on the head with a magazine.
**"What was that for?!"** he asked, rubbing his head.
**"I found a piece of paper in your pants pocket with the name ‘Laura Lou’ on it!"** she snapped.
**"Oh, that? Honey, that was the name of a horse I bet on at the races two weeks ago!"** he explained.
She paused, then sighed. **"Oh… I’m sorry. I should have known there was a logical explanation."**
All was forgiven—until three days later.
While he was watching a ballgame, she walked up and knocked him out cold with a cast iron skillet.
When he finally came to, he groaned, **"What the hell was that for?!"**
She crossed her arms and said, **"Your horse just called."**