A train machinist, a ship captain and a truck driver are sitting in a bar and sharing their stories.
The ship captain: “Our house is close to the harbor, so every time I am back from sailing and my ship is passing our house, I give the honk, so every time I am home, the food is on the table, my wife is hot and ready and I get my special welcome home treatment.”
The train machinist: “ Same here - we live close to the railroad, so when coming back from a long trip, I signal when passing by our house, and when I come home, my wife greets me in lingerie, with dinner on the table and bed warmed and ready for us”
The truck driver: “ Yeah.. almost same here… Our house is downhill in the street, so, whenever I come back home, I shut off the engine on the hill, roll down to the house, take my wrench, ring on the front door an run to the back door - none of them has escaped yet”