A woman went to a pet shop and immediately noticed a large, beautiful parrot. On the cage, there was a price tag that said 9.99.
Her curiosity was piqued by the unusually low price, “Why so little?” she asked the pet shop owner.
The owner looked at the woman and said, “Look lady! I should tell you upfront that this bird was raised in a house of prostitution, and sometimes, he says some very vulgar things.”
His warning only piqued the woman’s curiosity. She slowly circles the cage, pondering and decided it would be fun to have this bird. She bought it, took it home, hung the cage in the living room, and waited for the bird to say something.
The bird, seemingly aware of its new surroundings, looked around the room, then at the woman and said, “New house! New madam!”
The woman was a little shocked at the implication but then thought, “That is really not so bad.”
After a while, her two teenage daughters returned from school. The bird saw them and said, “New house! New madam! New girls!”
The girls and the woman were initially offended, but then they laughed at the situation, considering where and how the parrot was raised.
A few hours later, the woman’s husband, Keith, came home from work. The parrot looked at him and excitedly said, “Hello Keith! Long time no see. But welcome to my new home.”