A friend way back in college had a Yugo, by the time graduation neared, the paint had faded to the point it was pointless polish it anymore. The timing belt broke so I offered to replace it, I had all the metric tools so, why not? Had to pull the engine up over two feet to get the belt cover off....sideways engine/fwd. I hitched a ride to classes on day since my car was in the shop.....the back seat back exploded, literally, and it snowed thousands of tiny foam bits all over the interior...it was a near 100F day.Hope you'll get the executive package featuring a rear window heater... so you won't freeze your hands off when having to push it... (old Yugo proverb...)
Back in the day I successfully defended my trusty Toyota against being replaced with an A4 Avant...
Guess what: the '96 Toyota is still running perfectly...
I very quickly scrubbed Yugo off my list.