
Harley riders packing for sturgis IMG_3862.jpeg
I have a lot of respect for these guys. A few years ago i was here in pagosa and there were two guys with worn out piece of ***** harleys. Man, they had all but a compressor! Somehow, they got those pigs running ( and dripping) again and headed off to
They hated me and my red! I felt great!
A rich old man of 88 married a beautiful young girl of 23 and it wasn’t long before she was expecting a baby.

Overjoyed at the news, the old man was taken aside by his kindly doctor, who had known his patient for a long time and was concerned for his well-being.

“Listen, Jack, it’s about the baby. Let’s see if I can explain what I mean. There was a big game hunter who’d spent all his life in Africa, but was now really to old to last the distance. He decided to go out one last time, but being so absent,minded, instead of his gun, he took his walking stick with him. Time went by, when suddenly a man-eating lion confronted the man he lifted his stick and shot the animal dead.”

“But, that cant be!” cried the patient. “Someone else must have shot it.”

“Absolutely,” replied the doctor. “That’s what I’m trying to tell you.”
Bob, a 65-year-old, extremely wealthy widower, shows up at the Country Club with a breathtakingly beautiful 25-year-old blonde: she proceeds to knock everyone's socks off with her youthful appeal and charm. She also hangs on Bob's arm and listens intently to his every word.

His buddies at the club are all aghast.

They corner him and ask. "Bob, how'd you get the trophy girlfriend?"

Bob replies. "Girlfriend? She's my wife!"

They're knocked over, but continue to ask.

"So, how'd you persuade her to marry you?"

Bob says: "I lied about my age."

His friends respond:

"What, did you tell her you were only 50?"

Bob smiles and says:

"No, I told her I was 90."
I have a lot of respect for these guys. A few years ago i was here in pagosa and there were two guys with worn out piece of ***** harleys. Man, they had all but a compressor! Somehow, they got those pigs running ( and dripping) again and headed off to
They hated me and my red! I felt great!
One of the few tools I carry is a compressor!
This was surreal.... yesterday I was travelling between Lexington and Wellington behind an ambulance.
Oddly, I noticed a small metal box sitting on the back bumper. When the ambulance turned the corner, the box flew off and landed on the curb. I thought it's time for me to be a good Samaritan so I pulled over and retrieved it. Curious I made the mistake of opening it….there was a human toe packed in a bag of Ice
After getting over my shock I thought someone probably really needs this, so I called the hospital and told them what I saw, they said 'yes, the ambulance had arrived minus the box!'. I gave them my location and asked if they were going to send another ambulance to collect it?
The lady replied "No, we'll just send a
toe truck......."
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