
totally me...

(elevators, trains, ferries, airplanes, bridges, tunnels under a Norwegian fjord... ya name it... scary!!! :redface:)

the planet's superior life-form at its best again...


seems legit...


when you've the a/c on in da house...

totally me...

(elevators, trains, ferries, airplanes, bridges, tunnels under a Norwegian fjord... ya name it... scary!!! :redface:)
This is me 100% me. Not to mention the fear I feel when I'm on a motorcycle and see a jacked up, big tire 4x4 or lowered piece of garbage coming towards me on a two lane road.
Jack walks into his bedroom and sees his wife packing a suitcase
Jack asks, "What are you doing?" She replies, "I'm off to New York. I read that prostitutes there get paid $400 for doing what I do for you for free." Later, on her way out, the wife walks into the bedroom and sees Jack packing his suitcase. "Where are you going?" she asks. "I'm coming with you. I want to see how you live on $800 a year."
Yeah people need to learn how to listen and ask the Dog if it wants to be petted!
No need to, strange dogs are off limits, always, never prompted, nor motivated in any way to approach me...
Even to obvious friendly ones jumping towards me I'd say "... no, you're not supposed to approach strangers... good boy, now back to your master..."
They'll stop, tilt their heads to the side, and run back to their owner... who often enough actually thank me...

Sure, working on a client's property or being at a friend's place is a tad different, but I always interact with the humans first, then, calm voice, slowly one hand down, let him get your scent (introduction), if OK a gentle scratch from the side, if at all, you're in his territory now, act accordingly... good boy, go in your place now...
Yeah people need to learn how to listen and ask the Dog if it wants to be petted!

I will ask the owner if it's okay to say hello if they're nearby, but I'm an animal whisperer. It is very rare that I can't befriend an animal. My son is the same way; they seem to trust us.

We have amazed more than one customer who has said their dog normally isn't friendly with anybody, and we have been called "the people they don't have to put the dog away for."

I have picked up and held people's cats and been told that they can't even hold their cat like I could. I also play with birds, snakes, tarantulas, ferrets, hamsters and gerbils, etc.
Not everyone knows that the PROPER approach if you want to pet someone's dog is to ask the owner first.
Not everyone knows etiquette, either.
And then there are those like me, who know what good etiquette is, and simply delight in breaking the rules on a whim. But not with dogs.
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