Donald Masters - R.I.P.

I just wanted to add my condolences to his family and friends. My regards go out to all those that put forth such an effort in the search for Mr. Masters as well.
I have experienced many tragedies in my life from having good friends killed in accidents to my own brother dying in a plane crash. The mysterious thing is, whenever such tragedies occur, people come together in ways that show the very best in humanity and relationships are formed and people discover things in themselves that they could never have discovered any other way. It is almost a gift from the departed person. Too bad we have to wait for such events to occur for this to happen. My very best to Donald's family and friends and my heartfelt thanks go out to all involved in his search. Always remember the goodness in people and take it with you where ever you go. Rest in peace Donald, and know that your family is well cared for

RIP Donald.

The frustration and sorrow I felt just following this event can in no way compare to that of Donald's family and friends. For three weeks they've lived the worst nightmare for any family of anyone who rides a motorcycle. Remember to always kiss your loved ones goodbye and tell them of your love - and the same upon your return.

Donald and his family have been in my (and many) thoughts and prayers since first hearing of his disappearance. Though now with a heavy heart, it is comforting to know: First, that the family will have closure as to Donald's fate (with Fall turning to Winter - waiting for the seasonal snows to give way to Spring would've been anguise); and second, that so many... would do so much... for this family in need.

Blessed be all who gave of themselves in time and energy to bring this family peace... you shall be called the children of God.
Great will your reward be in Heaven.
I would like to add my prayers and condolences to his family and friends too! May God Bless you! I'm sure it has been really hard these last few days while the search has been going on, but at least the family can now close that chapter!

One other thought that I have is how this and other Motorcycle communities have come together during this time to look for him! God bless those that took their personal time to go out and be involved in the search! My hat is off to you all! :hat1:
With heavy heart and tears hitting the keyboard, I am saddened to hear that Donald was found almost in my backyard....yet I could do nothing but check the forum. I am not an ST-owner, but felt like one of your those who spent time and effort searching, a big HUG. To Larry, Joe and David....this was a very trying time and a big HUG to you. To Donald's family and friends, may I add my condolences and hope to meet your special person in the (riding) heaven some day.

My sincere condolences to Donalds' family and friends. I did not know the man but followed the thread daily hoping and praying for a positive outcome.
I would like to add that I have great admiration for all those in the motorcycle community that spent countless hours searching for Donald, I am fortunate to be part of such a caring and generous group of people.
I was on my way to assist in the search when I received voice mails from Joe and Larry that the search had come to an end. There is nothing I can say to make this sorrow go away. When I go, I only hope it is a similar deal as those that have had their lives extinguished doing what they love most. Thanks to Womantriker, it will be easier for the search parties to find me. My deepest sympathies to Donald's family and friends.
Read every thread. Sorry to hear the outcome. God bless his family and the motorcycle community that gave there all to help find there lost friend.

This will for ever change the way I travel on my motorcycle trips, alone.
I'm Sad that Donald has passed but it eases my heart to know that he left doing what he loved, on his way to see people he loved.. RIP Donald:07biker:
:( heart goes out to you and your family! My prayers will be added to the rest of those who are sending their heartfelt condolences for your loss! And I had been sooo praying for a happy outcome...:(

God speed Donald and I'm sorry our paths never crossed...perhaps on the other side...

:( Unbelievable! :(
Condolences to Donald's family and friends. I , like so many have kept checking the thread and prayed for a positive outcome. R.I.P. Mr. Masters.
I feel blessed that I was able to do what I could to help in the search for Donald. Like many others I never met Donald, but through his pictures and speaking with Noah his son and David it seemed like we were old friends. I'm saddened by the ending, but relievied that the search is over and Donald can be laid down to rest in peace. As it has been said many times, Donald passed away enjoying one of his passions in life. I'm sure he will be there watching over all of us. Donald my brother rest in peace.
My heartfelt sympathy goes out to Donald's family & friends. And many thanks to those that gave of their time, help and support.
I am very sad to hear of this outcome.

I have the description of Don's machine and license plate# written on the edge of my truck windshield so I can watch for him. This is not the outcome I wanted to hear.

"Good evening sir and thank you for being there back in the '60's/'70's".

It has been a very long time (honestly, I can't recall when) since I have found myself brought to tears over someone I didn't know!!! I, like many others, have followed these threads, hoping and praying for a different outcome.

To Caroline and the rest of the family--my thoughts, prayers and deepest condolences in your loss; he must have been a wonderful man!! My pegs will be down when I ride again.

To all those on this forum, or any involved forum; to those who were out there searching, praying, organizing, donating time or money, etc....thanks aren't enough for all you have done!! I so wish I would have been able to help in other ways; you truly have shown everyone, what a wonderful community motorcyclists are!!

Godspeed and RIP Donald Masters.

1995 750 Vulcan
I am so sorry to hear the news. My condolences to his family and to those who knew him. I am praying for you...
Like everyone else, I have been watching and praying for Donald, for the riders and for you and your family Caroline. My heart is so saddened to read the outcome. I pray God's very presence for you and your family and His richest blessings for those who have given selflessly of their time and resources. It is true that this has brought to light the very best in all involved, whether active in the search, or uplifting those who were. This has been a life changing event for many, and for me.

God's peace Donald.
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