Where did you ride today?

No hay traducciones automáticas en el foro Víctor. Lo pegué en Google para traducirlo.

bonitas fotos, gracias.

(No auto translations on the forum Victor. I did paste it into google to tranlate.

nice pictures, Thanks.)
Yeah, but...there's this universal biker language that pictures translate into a thousand words, and we can enjoy it. Plus, I like the old world look of some of those pictures. They have more character and beauty than our plain functional landscapes do.

For What It Is Worth (FWIW), here's the words translated.
Of course, my friend. I share with you some photos and I trust that the forum will translate well my words in Spanish into American English.

Please keep up the pictures!

with my nephew on the dream and me on the BlackBear we had mini adventures today out on the JLGW


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Not today but two days ago, finished off work and decided to go pay a surprise visit to my mom. Put in 260 miles, almost all on I-70. Found a nice sweet spot at about 80 MPH where the gas didn't get sipped away too quickly and the engine seemed to be having a good time.

I know there's some back and forth on this, and it shouldn't matter much because it's direct injected, but is there any consensus on using 87 rather than 93?
IF damaging the engine is your concern, if I recall correctly Raymond always runs regular and he has over 400,000 miles on his ST1300.

Some people have reported increased fuel consumption running regular fuel, some have not.
My opinion is that the biggest potential difference is fuel consumption IF your motorcycle is in proper running order with no defects. If your motorcycle is operating properly the knock sensors will detect any pre-ignition if the lower octane regular fuel causes this. Once it is detected the ECM will manage it, so there is no concern for engine damage. The result of that scenario is increased fuel consumption. If there is not any increased pre-ignition over what is present while running super, there won't be much influence on fuel consumption. Try a few tanks of regular, monitor the fuel consumption and compare. If fuel consumption drops go back to super. If it doesn't, ride on.
A beautiful 125 mile ride in the Ozarks. Temps in the 60s most of the way. Stopped on Highway 16 for a break. Rode north of Hector on 27 and back to Pelsor. Passed two cars.

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