Well, it's like this!
My son Justin wanted me to ride down to Las Vegas, to meet him for the day on Saturday. He is there for a Dart tournament. And then I found out he wasn't doing anything on Saturday, and that he finished early Friday, so I offered him, "...what if I come down and get you, bring you back up here (to Cedar City), then we could go riding on Saturday?

he was all for it. At first a couple of the guys that came down from Portland, OR, with him, (there must have been 30 people from Portland there, at the tournament) were renting Harleys and at first thought they would ride out to the Grand Canyon, that was until I told them that was over 280 miles, one-way. After the one guy picked himself up off the ground, he said they were only going to do, maybe a 100 miles or so. Well that removed the Grand Canyon from Justin's wish list too, because I told him it was a little longer from my house.
So we looked at the map last night and I came up with a little 275 mile ride for the day.
Before we left for the ride, Justin asked if he could ride the bike back to Las Vegas, after we left ZION? Well, it was either that, or after we got back to my place, I would have had to drive him back down to Las Vegas, then drive back up here (Another 340 miles - don't think so, not today).
We left my house around 9:30, the temp was already up above 50F, and I was able to find enough gear for Justin to wear and he used his mom's Neotec with a SEZNA 30K Which is also what my helmet is too, so we were able to communicate the whole way!
It was a great ride. We went north on I15 for just over 30 miles and then went East on Utah 20 (which is a nice ride, just by itself), then south on US89 to Utah 12 and out to Bryce Canyon. Today, just happened to be a FREE day for the National Parks, so Justin didn't have to pay, anything to get through both parks!

After Bryce Canyon, we headed back to US89 south and rode to Utah 9, that runs through ZION. Since both Justin and I have been through ZION, numerous times, we didn't stop. In Hurricane, Justin followed Utah 9 to I15 south, and I went north, to home. I covered 275 miles.
And YES, we saw SNOW! The last view area is about 9,000 feet up.
I'll grab the trailer tomorrow and head down in the afternoon to retrieve my bike. Justin doesn't fly out until Monday. But it made for a great day of riding!
The only problem we had the whole way, was the 2004 developed a small coolant leak. I've been needing to remove the tupperware anyway, to add a number of FARKLEs, so now I have a real reason to. lol