I totally think this is a really good idea with a placement at various locations in other conditions.First this is a placemark, I haven't figured out how to formally do this test. Second, someone here may already know about ones performed, please post.
The thoughts running around in my head have to do with a video camera situated on a busy street corner at car driver eye height. Rider drives by in traffic wearing a "colored" jacket, helmet, comes back around and passes camera again wearing a different color, repeat. Which colors allow the cars to see the rider sooner? Would the color of bike matter, seat height, just helmet, any difference in grey or black? These are just some random thoughts. If i had someone to run the camera I probably would have a few colors checked off. What say ye ( or is it see ye)?
The other studies mentioned in here are definitely interesting and worth reading and using. The most dangerous places are pointed out on many sites as well as included in riding schools. For newer riders this training is vital now days with increased traffic.
People see what they expect to see, frequently overlooking what is different. Visibility is always a better option to draw attention to your existence in their vision space.
I have always felt that if you can hit me, I made a mistake. Of course that does not cover many if not most conditions. The other thing I recommend is you ride or you don't. The way you react and the speed that you move becomes second nature ( in my opinion ) Think about hitting brake pedal or turning the steering wheel in your car when confronted by emergencies.
Did you really think about the brakes or did you just move first?
The other thing of utmost importance is knowing where your head lies when you throw your leg over the saddle, sometimes even the seasoned rider is just not in the game on that day.