I got hit back in mid-’80s by car pulling out from side street in front me. ONE time, and that’s it. Have gone over 500k-miles of commuting/splitting, mountain twisties/backroads, trackdays/racing since on 35 different bikes without incident. Although that didn’t keep them from trying.
Done everything possible for visibility: clothing, lights, zig-zagging towards junctions. However, those aren’t end-all solutions because there will always be distracted idiot who’s blind (or wildlife or random acts of nature). That’s where final responsibility & power lies, my ability to respond quickly with evasive maneuvers. Lots of parking-lot practice of swerving and max-braking so it’s automatic & 2nd-nature. ABS has saved me quite a few times in bad weather or on gravelly roads around corner when I’ve had to swerve while under max-braking.
Done everything possible for visibility: clothing, lights, zig-zagging towards junctions. However, those aren’t end-all solutions because there will always be distracted idiot who’s blind (or wildlife or random acts of nature). That’s where final responsibility & power lies, my ability to respond quickly with evasive maneuvers. Lots of parking-lot practice of swerving and max-braking so it’s automatic & 2nd-nature. ABS has saved me quite a few times in bad weather or on gravelly roads around corner when I’ve had to swerve while under max-braking.
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