Valve adjustment

Does it change the sound when you pull in the clutch?

It does, but it doesn't go away completely. It sounds like a very mild rod knock, TBH.
It may or may not be correlated with an increase in vibration since my valve adjustment last fall, but like I said I did the balance shafts today and it's better. I also did plugs (Iridium CR8EIX) when I did the valves. It wouldn't even /run/ if I had something off by a tooth, would it?
At idle, a rumbling or low frequency knocking noise changed by disengaging the clutch is probably just the noise they all make from the clutch basket or disengaged gears rumbling in neutral. It's nothing. It will never go away and it won't get worse......... at least until closing on 200,000 miles.

Just ride the thing.
I'm in a similar boat. I did a valve adjustment last November as well, and since then I've had what sounds like knocking. It's more pronounced on the left side of the bike. At the time, I was pretty darn sure I did everything right but... still a worry. I've got perhaps a thousand miles on since then. I've done a starter valve sync, a balance shaft adjustment, etc. and while it's better I still have what sounds like knocking.

I used my mechanic's stethoscope and I do hear knocking on the left but I can't really pinpoint where it might be coming from.

I don't think I have an oil leak so I don't think it'd be the intermediate shaft.

Any thoughts?

You're right, it will not be an intermediate shaft as the ST1300 does not have this design. The balance shafts are toward the left side and can make some knocking noises if the gear lash adjustment is too loose.
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