Article [13] ST1300 - TupperWare Worksheet


Just printed off the worksheets for the "Tupperware" fixings for my recently acquired silver 2008 ST1300 here in the UK. A simple idea maybe (aren't they the best) but well presented and which will most certainly be useful in the future.

I just finished a couple farkles and these pages were extremely helpful. Highly recommend printing these out and laminating them!
Re: TupperWare Worksheet

I hate to admit it but I've taken my bike apart so many times adding Farkels and tracking down electrical issues in the past that I've memorized most of the standard fasteners for all body panels and most of the major mechanical parts! I can remember dreaming about all the parts and fasteners more than once... and maybe even waking up in a sweat wondering if I actually tightened all of them!
WOW! I am fairly new to the ST world and have already mixed up fasteners when looking into an issue with my heated grips. Today I am planning on tackling a vacuum line repair for my defunct cruise control and am very grateful for you sharing these! Your efforts are going to save so much time for so many. Thanks!
From a thirty year tool and die maker. That was a great idea and a great layout! Downloaded and thank you!
Thank you for making these. I did the stebel horn install and these were great to have so I knew were each fastener went.
Re: TupperWare Worksheet

Just found this info and I LOVE it... thank you so much as I have an immediate need for this info.

Nice job on the details.
First of all, many thanks to John for creating these excellent worksheets, and thanks to Mellow for hosting them.

I am a bit perplexed about holes present on the underside of my motorcycle, at the very front, just inches behind the front wheel. The Tupperware worksheet identifies the push-rivets that go into three of the four holes (the forward-most three), but does not mention what goes into the aft-most hole that I have called out on the photo below.

Can anyone help identify what type of fastener is used in the aft-most hole? Is it possible that Honda made a production change (I have a 2012 model)?


Worksheet Excerpt
items 6 (one on each side) and item 7 seem to identify the forward-most 3 holes

Holes present on my motorcycle
There are 3 #6's and one #7 which is identified on the Lower left sheet. The sheets do not show the holes but the numbers refer to their location from the front edge of the cover.

Went out and looked at my 2003. 3 fasteners for the lower cowels. The front hole is were the middle ones join at the front. It uses the same type of push pin. Why so many types, because they can.
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