The HSM says turn it 2-4 times, loosen the tensioner, then turn the crank 4 teeth past the mark and then tighten the tensioner.
I've got the timing covers back on and now starts the 'rest' of the reassembly.
Trimming that cover with a Dremel turned reinstallation of it into a simple process (
@wjbertrand - thanks!)
I reckon in a few days I should be at the point to fire her up and I'll either be really happy or looking for a new engine!
I've got another one with 184,000+miles and one with 82,000+ miles so I'll probably get a lot more practice at this before very long.
After water pumps failing on 2 out 3 at 130,000-140,000 miles I'm ready to shift to the 'replace the water pump' at 100,000 along with the timing belt just to err on the side of caution.