Sadlsor goes x-country on the GS Adventure

Is daylight savings time working for you, or against you?
Ride safe.
Arizona not only has deer, but coyotes, wolves, javelina’s, tortoises, Gila monsters, and of course my favorite rattlesnakes.
What, no Jackalop? 1699239566570.png:rofl1:
It is my understanding that moose are not very bright, were you to hit one, its not going to be good - they can easily weigh more than 1000 lbs, and if you don't kill them, they might try to stomp you into the dirt. The only good thing about them is their height - you might be able to ride under one (I've been watching that Rawhide video).:rofl1:

They are indeed not very bright and are known to sometimes actually charge an oncoming vehicle.... be it a car, transport truck or train (my grandfather was an engineer and told a few stories)

The fact they are tall (have long spindly legs) is part of what makes them so deadly an animal to hit. You have that 1000+ pounds of mass at a point it rolls / slides right up the hood and thru the front windshield, usually taking out the passengers in the front seats. The only vehicles that are semi-rated for this type of impact are Volvos. The top beam in the Volvo's windshield is designed for Elk strikes, to protect the occupants. Elk and moose are very similar in composition. Regardless, hitting on in a cage is a gamble at best, and usually a no win on a bike.
you should have gone double dark, then you would not need those extra tires....
paper maps are now hard to find since everyone has google maps and gps widgets..
hopefully those OEM leds lights work well...
sleep well and enjoy the ride.
google maps can make mistakes as well, there was a story on the news tonight where a hiker here in the lower mainland got into some trouble following a trail that didn't exist. Supposedly they corrected it.
Thankfully never have had to use this advice , In a car if you know your going to hit a moose or Elk duck down lower than your dash board.
If you have the time to do that you probably have time to stop or at least slow down enough that the crash has much less serious consequences.
Just catching up on this buddy, wow, you're getting some advice, it's a jungle out there. How does anybody manage to survive after sunset?
Take enough time to enjoy it but yes, try to avoid, deers, mooses, mouses, rabbits, ants, snakes, rabbits with antlers, coyotes, wolves, elks, beetles, dogs, cats, spiders, flies, midges, imaginary tunnels, roadrunners, but most of all Volvos.
Phew, that should have been a Johnny Cash number.
Just catching up on this buddy, wow, you're getting some advice, it's a jungle out there. How does anybody manage to survive after sunset?
Take enough time to enjoy it but yes, try to avoid, deers, mooses, mouses, rabbits, ants, snakes, rabbits with antlers, coyotes, wolves, elks, beetles, dogs, cats, spiders, flies, midges, imaginary tunnels, roadrunners, but most of all Volvos.
Phew, that should have been a Johnny Cash number.
I've hit everything man...
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