you should have gone double dark, then you would not need those extra tires....
I haven't found a CT with knobblies that would fit... I've been reading the wrong sub-forums on ADVrider.
3 or 4 clients injured themselves, to the point they were unable to complete the course, not only in my Level 1 class, but in the Next Step class as well. In fact, a newly-met friend, Kevin, was the ONLY guy to graduate Next Step. It's the next course in level of difficulty, after the Level 1.
One man wrenched his back in the very first exercise - how to pick up your bike - and had to withdraw. Another man injured his ankle, and I think another landed on his shoulder badly.
Funnily enough, my ego told me I should be in the Next Step class, I already knew the stuff in Level 1. In reality, my degraded skills (nearly 4 years with the ST now) and my performance showed the world that Level 1 was the right place for me.
Literally, cannot tell you how many times my bike and I ended up face down in the soft dirt. I'm sure my riding gear is carrying 17 pounds of California desert dust, dirt and powder, it's well ground in and embedded, but oddly enough, I did well in the sand.
I dropped the bike again last night in the parking lot, at the first "rest area" (no maps) I found in AZ at 1030 or so.
We know we have to practice all our riding skills, so we don't forget them. My bike knows how to lay down on command, and even without me saying a word. I set my alarm for 2 hours from now, but woke up early. I need to see Larry today, it would have been too late after my exodus from CA. Even with lane splitting, I was often running at an average of 30 mph on I-5 S and I 210 E.
Interesting splitting between cars on a GSA with a tire strapped to each side, but I guess they could act as bumpers.
I didn't have to use my bumpers, though, and some (a few) vehicles actually would move over to allow me more room to go between them - on occasion. They probably could sense this was my first time to lane split, but I think I did quite well.
Tell ya what, I'll continue this saga later, right now I need to see if Ray or Keith or Nick has started some REAL coffee.
This Super 8 stuff in a cup is like drinking swill.