Post RideForCambodia...SEA ride continues

Good news, Danny. Hug Georgette for me. Asian food? <ducking> :D

Should we wait 'til all yur pics are caught up to close this thread. And Joe's. And mine? (still got about a month to do. My bad.)

No reason to close the thread. It'll be the usual "indefinite" for me to get caught up with the hugh amount of video data to mine and edit, pics to caption and expose to the public, etc..

How're you doing with the Sail Boat Chapter? That's the part where I lost all the pics when the data card went missing after my phone came with me snorkeling. Lost maybe 150 great pics of the best time on the whole trip. I have to go over to Best Buys and get that phone replaced soon. Looking forward to see all yours and Joe's pics of that 8 day voyage.

Oh, and BTW....We went for Vietnamese food last night. :)
I'm sure you could add the modern touch of a faucet and hose right next to it... ;)

That would be great, Joe especially enjoyed the hose. ;) We notice that almost every time we hit a toilet, no matter how rough, it would have a hose to get a fresh start. Must be a remnant of the French era.
Haven't touched those boat pics yet, 'cept for the few Tag shots. I'll get some free time during the next trip (starting tomorrow), all those pics will be with on the lil' Acer.
Danny and George: Great you both came home safe, along with Raven and Joe as well, thanks you all for sharing this amazing trip. :hat3::hat3:
Haven't touched those boat pics yet, 'cept for the few Tag shots. I'll get some free time during the next trip (starting tomorrow), all those pics will be with on the lil' Acer.

Throw them up on Google+ and/or Picasa raw. I'll explain them as I remember them. Maybe I can grab and post them if they're "Public".
In this GoPro video, our ragged crew are in Bamnak trying to orient ourselves after a three hour platform train ride from Pursat, Cambodia. There are no paved roads near this town and Raven is trying to get us a route to the Aural Falls through all new territory. She is working with her Galaxy S III Android. Would have been nice if I or any of us thought of getting the dismount footage, but I guess we were pretty beat up and just wanted to get everything off the rickety car.
Some of the best videos are missed because our attention is on the situation at hand instead of the camera. I hope to be aware of that fact in the future.

Thanks again to Smash for the use of his GoPro unit for this trip.
Georges Sailboat pics are up ...Woo Hoo!


Ya, George made sure we ate good! :)
These guys declare "It's Leo time"

They also went around this deserted beach picking up several garbage bags of trash that washed up. Kudos to you guys for your environmental preservation efforts.

A mutiny beaten back with a hug. I won't post the ones I am sure will be deleted by the mods. Actually, I'm not even sure if this one will survive. :)

Me and Joe take a swim to inspect a faulty depth sensor. I sure enjoyed just swimming around and under this cat. I was pretty much wet for the week and in that swim suit the whole time, when in anything , that is. ;)
George Catt tries his hand at handling a cat. He makes it look easy but we were going in circles. ;) LOL Just kidding
The small tidal creek where I almost got us stranded for a low tide cycle as the water left us while trying to dislodge our craft from the muddy bottom. We got her out with some quick thinking, a bit of sweat and the block and tackle from the main sail to pulley ourselves out of the mud. Oh, the excitement!

I take full responsibility!

I lead the feisty little craft out to deeper water after we ungrounded ourselves.
While the water was receding from around our grounded vessel, I secured a pulley line to a mangrove stand across the creek with the kayak as Joe and George set the pulley and worked us into water just a few inches deeper where we were again afloat.
These are the GoPro moments we missed because we were busy. Pretty sure it would get deleted anyway due to the audio part. ;)
Some folks who got the idea that the movie "The Beach" was real, so they continue the tradition of living life as a party

A ride through a tea plantation somewhere in NW Thailand.

I'm posting the shortest videos first without going through the arduous editing process. I hope they are fun to watch.
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