Post RideForCambodia...SEA ride continues

Parting shots. Here are our lovely yet no BS hosts at the White Rose II hotel. It was just a bit more of a challenge to soften their hearts.

Here are three Sikhs from Panjab, India. Much sweeter than this photo could display, they invited us to visit them in India. Fali, I feel another trip coming on.

The sweethearts who served us in the Indian restaurant. We arm wrestled and the gal on the right won, but I beat her in thumb wrestle. :)

Via Droid pro & TT2
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I have an invite to Malaysia from my seat mate on the flight to LA. We fur sur have to go back to that part of the world. :D
Great pics Danny. I'm sure you and Joe managed to eventually charm your hosts! Who can resist you two? LOL!! When do you depart?

Oh, we've been resisted pretty good here and there. ;) But, if we succeeded in winning a favor from Nuey at the desk, we'll get a late check-out time and maybe a call for a taxi to the BKK airport two hours away.
She wanted the picture I took of her at the hotel desk and asked for me to send it to her. It's took about 20 minutes and a local techy guy to get a copy on her phone.

We want to leave Pattaya at 3 or 4PM local time (about 6 hours from now)
We'll meet Doug, our riding buddy from Alaska at the airport for a quick visit before his flight at 10:20 tonight. We met Doug about two months ago while riding south of Chaing Mai
I have an invite to Malaysia from my seat mate on the flight to LA. We fur sur have to go back to that part of the world. :D

No question! There is plenty to hold our interest, no matter what that may be.
George, overall it's been a real pleasure traveling with you. I'll never forget the sailboat adventure and the great meals you prepared in the tightest kitchen I ever saw. It didn't even have room for you without the hatch opened. What fun and laughs.
India and Nepal are on my short list. Also Malaysia. And Australia/New Zealand. And Western/Eastern Urp.

Just read the last installments of Rough Miles,,, those kids did it right. Here's a quote:
“But the biggest thing to consider is the fact that we just took a really long holiday with our motorbikes. We were no experts. Anyone can do what we did if you get focused and put your mind to it.”

Doubt I can go for 10 months in a row, but three or 4 trips covering that time would be great. Gotta go to Moonshine first tho. :D
Give Doug a hug from me, Danny. He was a good companion. Maybe will be again. :D

We'll fill that request, and you do the same at Moonshine to all appropriate folks.
We go to shop for a discount taxi to the airport now.

Via Droid pro & TT2
Boarding China Airways CA980 to Beijing in a few minutes.
Met with Doug at BKK and had a really nice visit. He should be in the air now.
Joe takes off in about six hours on United.
Not on a 787...on a 777
He'll muddle through it I'm sure.

Via Droid pro & TT2
Safe travels home Joe and Danny. It's been a great sharing your trip with you!
Thanks all, it has been great but it's time to git home and catch up on the "honey doos".
Fali, we met some real nice Sikhs (3) from Punjab? at an Indian restaurant in Pattaya. They were very friendly and we enjoyed chatting as best we could while relying on their english skills. They were very much into their religion and even showed off a pic of their temple in Punjab. Danny got their email address so George if you make it to India you might consider becoming a "full blown" Sikh.
I'm really liking this Indian food so I may try to make some myself as we are not blessed with a great selection of "out of this county" food back home.
Danny, after you left for your flight this place cleared out and became a ghost port. Most of the restaurants closed and it got real quiet. It's amazing the effect you have on people like that.
Wish I could make it to Moonshine but I think I'll have to substitute a 'Betty Burger".
Nothing wrong with Betty 'Burgers, Joe. :D

I've been doing my own stir fry since I got home, following my own instincts. Tried one "Thai Curry" recipe I got off the web, it was a real failure. We don't have a good Indian restaurant here either but do have both Chinese and Thai, and lots of Tex-Mex. Seldom go to any of them tho. I'd rather cook my own.

The airport pretty much emptied out for me on that last night too. The observation deck had some action all night long tho... The three young British guys I met up there were good companions.

Let us know when ya get home.
AIRPORT FREE WIFI- Beijing, China. Nice place they got here. Sticklers for passport stamps and re-entering security but overall very cordial and friendly. I'm
Here for six hours and my flight doesn't have a gate # yet so I'm parked at the nearest 220 volt outlet with a view of the birds on the ground.
Quite a modern airport ...even has an auto flush on the crouch crapper.
uploadfromtaptalk1365469273445.jpg you can see I am fast running out of things to snap photos of. :)

Via Droid pro & TT2
Have a Good fly back home! Thanks for the memories George and Danny.

Lets not forget Skipper Joe, and Raven and all the characters who made this trip fantastic.
...and y'all who followed along making it fun to post updates to. Wouldn't be the same without all the feedback and folks looking at the pics.
Lets not forget Skipper Joe, and Raven and all the characters who made this trip fantastic.
...and y'all who followed along making it fun to post updates to. Wouldn't be the same without all the feedback and folks looking at the pics.
Amen, Brother Daniel!!
Speakin of those "squatters", I sorta developed a strange fondness for those and wondered if you could find em in the states? They could be a real conversation piece for many back home if you had one installed. The biggest drawback might be that flushing bucket of water with the dipper pail for the grand finale, eh?? Different, but functional, non the less.
Ah, that pic brings back fond memories of my emergency run during your clutch cable repair job and the mystery meat market.
Made it early to Tokyo and takin full advantage of my last United Club pass. Sushi, soup, edema-me, whine, etc.
Fly safe,
Thanks!:bow1: It was an adventures almost feels as I was there along the ways with you guys..... Good job for posted up of your rides pictures/stories....The most sadden that I couldn't attending these rides myself.... But there shell be another days yet for future adventure somewhere in the world....

Hope to meet up with you guys at some Stoc events this summer to hear/see more of your pictures eh. Thanks! Danny, Joe, George and Raven ! :bow1:
Speakin of those "squatters", I sorta developed a strange fondness for those and wondered if you could find em in the states? They could be a real conversation piece for many back home if you had one installed. The biggest drawback might be that flushing bucket of water with the dipper pail for the grand finale, eh?? Different, but functional, non the less.

I'm sure you could add the modern touch of a faucet and hose right next to it... ;)
HOME safe and sound.
BEIJING to JFK in 15 hours pinned against the window by a boundary challenged teenage with bad breath.
He kept slouching into my space without a care. I tried doing the same and he didn't seem to care either.
G and I are going out for a bite after all the hubbub.

Via Droid pro & TT2
Good news, Danny. Hug Georgette for me. Asian food? <ducking> :D

Should we wait 'til all yur pics are caught up to close this thread. And Joe's. And mine? (still got about a month to do. My bad.)
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