Post RideForCambodia...SEA ride continues

Maybe I should seek out some help from these "full blown" Monks?? Wonder if they do that anointing with oil and hands on healin like they try back home?
Danny went to the local water fall, I was afraid I might pollute the water with all those back packers around me.
We're hoping to head out of here tomorrow on a couple of Baja 250s? We have a one-way rental to Vientiane if we want. Bike rentals are twice as expensive as Thailand due to import taxes.
The ATM business works a little different here. You can only withdraw 1 million KIP at time (about $125) so the banks collect more fees this way. We're both wishing we had brought more $US with us as it is easy to use and you only have to shop for the best conversion rate.
Exchange fees suck. They make money on both ends. (I made it home on the small amount of Bhat Joe sold me before leaving for Bangkok. The Family Mart stores at Bangkok Airport were actually pretty cheap so I was able to get snacks/soda/water with the little I had left. Got home with only pocket change, less than a dollar's worth. Also still had US$30 in my wallet. Left NONE of it in Tokyo, WAAAAY expensive there.

In LA, had a $10 and a $20, no commercial bidnesses in the entire arrival area at LAX so couldn't get change. Started to use a CC phone 'til their false advertising was exposed: sign said $1/4 minutes. Actual rate was $1.75/minute PLUS a $10 connect fee!!!! I hung up. Was able to charge my US phone in the rental car and call Deba. Road trip snacks at Barstow for the last leg to Kingman.

Haven't figured the entire trip cost yet but (including contribution to Sustainable Cambodia) maybe $6000 for 2 months. Not bad. Fun factor was much higher. Thanks to all my traveling companions, most 'specially Raven, Danny, 'n Ol'Geezer for making it a wonderful trip.
We don't like the lies these phone companies tell. SOB's Ask Joe or me or just about anyone about that.

Yes, Thanks everyone who made and continue to make this a great adventure.

Here are shots of Rachel and I at the waterfall an hour Tuk Tuk ride outside town.
She is Canadian and teaches English voluntarily here in town. Sweet gal. Led me up the steep hand over hand slope that got us a view from the top and back down the other side... her in flip flops and me in my newly repaired sandals. :)

Can you see the rope swing in action here?




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Joe, they drink snake/scorpion juices, it will healing every ailments you got! Go looks for it they are everywhere in LP :D

Maybe I should seek out some help from these "full blown" Monks?? Wonder if they do that anointing with oil and hands on healin like they try back home?
Danny went to the local water fall, I was afraid I might pollute the water with all those back packers around me.
We're hoping to head out of here tomorrow on a couple of Baja 250s? We have a one-way rental to Vientiane if we want. Bike rentals are twice as expensive as Thailand due to import taxes.
The ATM business works a little different here. You can only withdraw 1 million KIP at time (about $125) so the banks collect more fees this way. We're both wishing we had brought more $US with us as it is easy to use and you only have to shop for the best conversion rate.
Joe, they drink snake/scorpion juices, it will healing every ailments you got! Go looks for it they are everywhere in LP :D
We chased a 5 footer down the steps to the big Budda on the hill here. He didn't act too tough? Had a rusty red head and two long black stripes down each side of his back, looked harmless to us.
I hope I won't have to drink the cool aid...... did not have to visit the head all night! So we are packin to ride out of here this mornin!! Plan to see the Plain of Jars, make a 4 or 5 day ride out of it and make our plans for the final push.
good morning Joe/Danny. Glad to hear you're ready to go out riding again Joe. Have a safe/fun trip to Plain of Jars. will wait to hear and more picts from you guys soon!

Drinks for you.
snake.jpg scorpio.jpg
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We are in Phonisavan, Laos.
Just had Cyrus show up at the restaurant on the main street.
More text later...too much story, not enough keyboard.

Joe got some footage on the GoPro so that's coming too.
I have many more pics of the PlainOfJars and other side adventures still in the pipe.

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This is a ceremonial rocket scheduled for launching tomorrow as part of a spiritual/cultural party.
I am thinking seriously of bouncing back down the long babyhead impregnated dusty road instead if heading right out to Vang Viang.


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Danny/Joe, cool picts. be sure to bring those bombs back home with you eh :) Especially that aluminum fuel tank I can turn it into a Hotrod :D Yap! they doesn't play with tiny battle rockets they only play wit Mother of rocket! Did you guys see it goes off?
good morning Joe/Danny. Glad to hear you're ready to go out riding again Joe. Have a safe/fun trip to Plain of Jars. will wait to hear and more picts from you guys soon!

Drinks for you.
snake.jpg scorpio.jpg

Joe is happy to be feeling better after a relapse yesterday. Better still this morning and without needing to resort to Scorpion extract. :)
We meet Cyrus and another American for breakfast in five. I hope Joe can finally eat something.

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Joe is happy to be feeling better after a relapse yesterday. Better still this morning and without needing to resort to Scorpion extract. :)
We meet Cyrus and another American for breakfast in five. I hope Joe can finally eat something.

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Joe, eat some hot rice noodle soup Pho (Fer) you will feels as new after.
Joe, eat some hot rice noodle soup Pho (Fer) you will feels as new after.

Joe is happy to report that at present, his plumbing is back I shape and he is feeling fine. He is, however, tentative about this as he has felt well before and was ambushed from the rear without warning.

We just got done watching three documentaries about the CIA "Secret War" and the "Bombies" at the local restaurant "Lao Falang"
This stuff is all on YouTube and is quite an education.
One of the surviving Buddha's which is considered a symbol if this war, was shown on the flick and we had just visited it a few hours before.

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US should be totally ashamed for how we treated a "non-combatant" country... See Tip's posts on FB for an education.
George, I would say ashamed to the CIA and most of the politicians during those VNW's time, Most American didn't know any things about bombs in Laos or know where is. As Danny said in youtube there is a film clip of Bombies if some of you wanna checks it out! as George said an educational documentary film. I did meet Jack the film producer in Vancouver, Canada while I was on STtouring out on west coast in 07 he's a great guy!
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Not to get to toward a political discussion, but we met a mining crew at the restaurant "Craters" with the deactivated ordinance decor and an Aussie tried a guilt trip on me saying "nice job" sarcasticly refering to the 9 + years of bombing Laos, mostly in secret.
It didn't come close to sticking and I just snapped back that I don't have a guilt gland with regard to an event I didn't even know was happening at the time.
Then one of his Aussie buddies chimed that Australia was involved too. We got along fine from then on.








Here in the MAG office I get further education on the process currently in place to locate and deactivate UXO that are not only endangering and killing people today but that keep the Laos economy one of the poorest in the world because people are afraid to work the land.
Ironically, while Joe and I were searching for the "Jars" were well in the wrong side of MAG markers in fields of brush and grass. (Before we knew what the were) That could have gone really bad but would make a great story for the other to write up.
It only really means it is land that was not yet cleared of UXO but still...

I hold my first Yoga class with the local kids at a hot spring that we stayed at overnight last night.
Unfortunately they were spooked by Joe and Cyrus who just came back from a hike. I tried to get them as the well behaved attentive class they were, but it was not to be.

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Rants may not be necessary when the facts are out.
The only one I will chance to put out here is this:
More bombs were dropped on Laos, one of the poorest nations both then and now, than on both Japan and Germany combined during WW2. An average of one sortie every 8 minutes for 9 years without the knowledge of the US people and congress for the most part.
This was in the name of stopping the spread of communism in SE Asia. I am sure motivations were mostly in line with this idea but looking at the cost in dollars, lives and the lost credibility of our government it hardly seems the same good idea today it was back in the sixties, especially given the fact the both Laos and Vietnam are currently considered Communist now.

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Joe and I will be following a trail of testosterone soaked yuts into caves and rivers in a few minutes.
The fun continues as we prepare ourselves for the eventual return to our respective homes in the modern world.
We are still tossing around ideas for the final leg of this post RideForCambodia.
We had invites to Vietnam and Nepal. Cyrus is going to a 10 day silent meditation retreat in Katmandoo which I would love to be a fly on the wall for...he is a very demonstrative individual who might find a forced silence with no eye contact extremely challenging, as would I.
He also laughs at the improbability of the whole idea but thinks it may be just what he needs.
I wish him only the best result and I hope I am surprised at how well he does.
We talked to three twenty something gals who went through one of those retreats and they had three completely different takes on their experience with it.
Age may also be a factor in the outcome...Cyrus is 33.
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