Holy cow... For the hell of it I decided to do a Google search and it turns out you can still buy these. Obviously they're much more than a dime now... Lol
Back in the ‘80’s, I was rebuilding a starter on a small block Chevy. It was late on a Saturday, before parts stores staying open til 9:00. I walked in and the only person in the store was a very attractive, tall young lady who was mopping the floor, just before closing time. My first thought was that she wouldn’t have a clue as to the parts I needed. Without looking up from the mop, she asked what I needed and when I replied that I needed brushes and bushings for a SBC starter, she asked, “long or short shaft?” When I replied short shaft, she leaned the mop in the corner, walked to the shelves and pulled 3 boxes. Front and rear bushings and the correct brushes. She never looked in a book and this was before computers, but she knew P/N and prices in her head!
I found out later that she was the owner’s daughter and had been chasing parts since she was old enough to read the numbers.
Years ago I went to Moffet Field in California and saw a free flight model contest that was held inside a WWII Dirigible hanger at the airport there. These models were made with a super light film made by floating the film on water and draping it over the frame. Totally fascinating to watch these slow motion flying machines. The hanger was amazing to as it was at the time the worlds largest wooden structure. It has since been updated and renovated with modern materials by Google I believe.Those 'wind-up' models have advanced a bit......
Ha! STill got one on a tower at the end of the house...... not used, the satellite dish is below it on the tower, lol.
That's going to be my plan. Put up a terrestrial antenna with about a 70 mile range and get a $39.00 a month subscription service to get the content I can't get with the antenna. No way I'm going to pay $160.00 a month for the cable and satellite robber barons.Ha! STill got one on a tower at the end of the house...... not used, the satellite dish is below it on the tower, lol.
That's what I like about this thread... so many cool memories. We also had a tower mounted to the side of our house. I can tell you that if you want to launch one of those balsa wood airplanes, that was the place to do it, from the peak of the roof after scaling the tower. You will only get one flight out of it, either because of the damage to the plane or because your parents found out and grounded you... DAMHIKHa! STill got one on a tower at the end of the house...... not used, the satellite dish is below it on the tower, lol.
Dangerous weapon...I was at Lee Valley a few years ago and got one of these for my grandson. Was $3 or $4 then. He enjoyed playing with it, pretty fragile, didn't last long.
If you're at LV you can get one of these launcher kits. Not available in Quebec through as it is listed as a dangerous weapon. You can tell by the look on this kid's face that he is obviously up to no good.
Paper Airplane Launcher Kit - Lee Valley Tools
I've still got one of those from my 57 Chevy days and the long flexible screwdriver it took to adjust the points.Remember what a Dwell meter was?
I actually use a smaller model, mounted in a tree for 90% of my tv watching. We do have a Netflix subscription too. ( $8.99/month), we get 116 channels, of which about 40 are not home shopping, foreign language or religious programming.That's going to be my plan. Put up a terrestrial antenna with about a 70 mile range and get a $39.00 a month subscription service to get the content I can't get with the antenna. No way I'm going to pay $160.00 a month for the cable and satellite robber barons.
Remember The Munsters .... the judge is Herman Munster.
.................... people throwing a giant dart 20 ft through the air, aiming at a Target that was two or three feet in front of another human...............
I sure do.Remember what a Dwell meter was?
I actually use a smaller model, mounted in a tree for 90% of my tv watching. We do have a Netflix subscription too. ( $8.99/month), we get 116 channels, of which about 40 are not home shopping, foreign language or religious programming.
The reason for mounting in a tree? At the time we installed it, our HOA did not allow antennas mounted to the house. I understand that now they are not allowed to regulate that.
Because of digital signals now, the picture is incredible.
I have a couple of different dwell meters that I use quite a lot as I still restore and work on vintage bikes and old cars.Remember what a Dwell meter was?