I can remember delivering milk with my father when I was young told him I had to go pee and he handed me a bottle and said go at it
Glass milk bottles....that got recycled.We had not only a milk delivery truck come to our house but there was also a Bakery truck that came through the neighborhood. As kids we called him the Donut Man as he would sell donuts to kids for a nickel, I can remember anxiously waiting for him on Saturdays.
I can remember so vividly opening the glass milk bottles. The bottles had a waxed cardboard plug in the top that you had to peel a tab up to pull it out.
Do you remember going to a party with dad, and coming home with mom?I remember when gas stations didn't even sell diesel.
Roller Skate Key?
Yeppers, the ones that 'clamped' on your regular shoes and that we made skateboards out of later ...Roller Skate Key?
did anyone mention those milk trucks that delivered most dairy products and eggs, we had twin pines in my area
Do you remember what this is for?