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I knew I had one of these out in the garage in a junk box somewhere, and after a minute or two I was able to find it. Mine's blue, and it still has some black tape left in it from a year I can't remember.
The commercials for this were hilarious
Pretty sure Ektachrome was their top premium film.There was Kodachrome slide film which was biased toward warmer more orangey tones, and Fujichrome which was biased toward cooler green/blue tones. I can't remember where Ektachrome stood in the spectrum.
Ektachrome was higher speed than Kodachrome and much cooler in colour and not as vibrant. I have used both and the Kodachrome has stood the test of time whereas the Ektachrome has faded. Paul Simon was right!There was Kodachrome slide film which was biased toward warmer more orangey tones, and Fujichrome which was biased toward cooler green/blue tones. I can't remember where Ektachrome stood in the spectrum.
Some reading:Had one of those two, lost it..... replaced it with the cartridge type. I can refill the cartridges, got a bottle of ink right here. Waterman's. My mother had excellent handwriting and fountain pens taught you penmanship. I'm not as good as I used to be.....
I still have a fountain pen that I use every now and then. It makes you want to write in a much neater form. As a kid you knew not to run with a fountain pen in your shirt pocket. Never could used to the cartridge ones.
'John Wayne' can opener - we usually wore one in the USMC on our dog tags for opening C-Rats.