Old Enough To Remember?

I remember the Canadian air raid sirens being tested when I was a kid in the 50’s
I'm originally from a small farm town in Michigan that has an all volunteer fire department and 3 police officers.
In the middle of the town there is a siren like this that goes off when there's a fire (steady tone) or a tornado warning (alternating high and low tones) and at 6pm every evening except Sunday. It's a mechanical siren with a rotating horn and we lived about a block away from it.
I'm originally from a small farm town in Michigan that has an all volunteer fire department and 3 police officers.
In the middle of the town there is a siren like this that goes off when there's a fire (steady tone) or a tornado warning (alternating high and low tones) and at 6pm every evening except Sunday. It's a mechanical siren with a rotating horn and we lived about a block away from it.
The small town in Northern Washington state that my Grandparents lived has a similar story with the exception of tornados. Everyday at noon the siren sounds or when there is a fire to alert the volunteer firemen.
Even back in the 70's when I was on a volunteer department, we had a pager system and a base unit at home which would give you the initial location and type of emergency. We also had the big mechanical siren on the roof of the firehouse carried over from the old days... mainly that served to alert the town that something was going on and to watch for our fire trucks about to go into action.... we had a weekly test of the system at a prescribed time, activated by remote dispatch and everything would go off, followed by a voice message. One of us would go to the station to acknowledge to dispatch test was successful.

We never got much at all into air raid or tornado warnings...
... about the temperature of molten lava ...

And I still think the crust was made of some 2K components ...
I also remember a news report that cut the cherry pies open to count the cherries in it. It was determined that the label said Cherry Pie, not Cherries Pie so they got a pass on it most having one
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