M77 Replaces Moly 60- Apparently So

Please tell us about it. TIA

Older thread sir, here it is. https://www.st-owners.com/forums/threads/final-drive-issues.186043/

Igofar says to stir up the 8012, but the container I have has the "soft serve icecream" look, like it was just dispensed into the container. No separation is evident, at least not the last time I checked. It just dried up in use, which I didn't think would happen in the use of one Exedra rear tire that I didn't even wear out completely. So used TS-70 on the worn splines and I'll see how it fared when I pull the wheel to check it in a few weeks. Anyone want a container of 8012? Doubt I'll use it again....
For folks who understand and know what grease or paste is, they would know that ALL paste products like this needs to be stirred up before applying it, to mix the contents together, regardless of the appearance etc.
Several types of grease and paste’s have many ingredients and they separate when stored.
Even the Honda M77 stuff clearly states right on the label that you should kneed the tube alternately from end to end in an attempt to mix the ingredients up before use.
By thinking it looked like soft serve ice cream, and just applying what was on the end of the brush, you simply smeared the carrier and maybe very little of the paste.
There is nothing wrong with your LB8012, if you use it correctly.
Many products won’t have detailed instructions because they assume the person(s) using then knows how to use them correctly.
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Here is a picture of the Honda M77 Assembly stuff after about 600 miles.
You can clearly see that the person didn't mix it up or stir up the product before they applied it, and it simply dried out and balled up like dirt.
image (1).jpg
I wouldn't know the difference, but I was glad to learn that Igofar did not condemn the LB8012.
Only source I could find was Grainger; our company doesn't have an account anymore, and they didn't have any here locally anyway. Will be able to pick up my 4 ounces in an 8 ounce tube on Wednesday in Burnaby for about $90.00 with taxes.
I will surely knead it.
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