Looking Out From My Recliner In The Holler This Morning

I spent 60 years in orlando and yes they drive like idiots rain or shine. I have seen snow flurries there but it for sure is not the norm. I would hate to see how they would drive anywhere in fl if they got a good snow covering.

We had to go to town this morning. The roads was not to bad.
-5F this morning bbbrrrrr:mad-2x:
At these temps the snow is not going anywhere soon. Yesterday’s high was 19F.
it's 15 degrees this morning. I don't think I'll be riding today although I would if I needed to or felt motivated to do something to brag about later.
but I'm just not feeling it today.

I did, however, take off my slippers so I didn't get ice or snow on them and walk barefoot out to the mailbox today when it was 15°F. In a tee shirt.
(I'm originally from Buffalo, NY.)
You obviously didn't stand still for very long or you may have made the evening news!
Sure makes me glad that I am retired (it's still coming down) -

Out The Froint Window.jpg
The Old Buck Stove Is Really Doing Its Job Today -
The Fireplace.jpg

I am very blessed beyond all measure for sure and I am very thankful for it! :biggrin:
Welcome to our world.20241206_094115.jpg
Temps have really dropped here. 4°F here this morning. Snow crunchy. We have the fire place and that'll heat up the first floor. We are lucky to have a gas insert in the basement. Gas flows in the case of a black out.
Just make sure you have a good supply of firewood.
Stay safe my friend.
Best guess I have about 3 years worth of firewood stacked and in the dry.
I try to stay ahead of it so what I use is completely seasoned.
And normally all I cut is what has died and still standing (the blessing of having 29+ acres of mostly woods).
This morning it was absolutely balmy compared to yesterday's walk - all the way up to 16 degrees F (-8.88 C) ;)
Us up north dwellers have to laugh when the down south places get 4 inches and everything shuts down. For us it's just another day of winter. Do they use salt down there Uncle Phil?
We think the same of snowbirds driving 20 under limit in the Florida rain with their 4-ways flashing. "They must think it's snowing or something."
Crept up to 24 here today, and quickly fell back into the teens at sunset. No snow. Supposed to be like this until Thursday, then slightly warmer into the 30s. I think I still have some hot chocolate from the last freeze 6 years ago....
We think the same of snowbirds driving 20 under limit in the Florida rain with their 4-ways flashing. "They must think it's snowing or something."
Many years ago living in Orlando used to enjoy towing Snow Birds that got stuck in the sand on shoulder of road because they turned their wheels before moving the car. :biggrin:
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