Itchy Boots

I really enjoy watching her videos. Talk about a brave person. Solo travel in some of the areas she has been in, takes guts. I would guess she is editing video offline and may dump a few in consecutive days. She did mention it was her main revenue source. It will be interesting where she plans to travel in Alaska. I am not sure if she has intentions to go to Prudoe Bay. Timing regarding weather may make it rather challenging, but she seems to do okay in adverse conditions. Now for another observations, what about those eyes. That is blue.
I haven't seen that segment yet but I noticed early on she does thread the traffic/obstacle needle with aplomb (great word!).

Don't forget she learned to ride in India. Driving through, around and avoiding traffic is a requirement there. I like it when she just diverts to the sidewalk.
I really enjoy watching her videos. Talk about a brave person. Solo travel in some of the areas she has been in, takes guts. I would guess she is editing video offline and may dump a few in consecutive days. She did mention it was her main revenue source. It will be interesting where she plans to travel in Alaska. I am not sure if she has intentions to go to Prudoe Bay. Timing regarding weather may make it rather challenging, but she seems to do okay in adverse conditions. Now for another observations, what about those eyes. That is blue.

I seem to recall that Noraly is on the "two year plan". This should give her the ability to schedule an optimal time visiting/touring Alaska. You are right about the eyes!
Don't forget she learned to ride in India.
Actually - not seeing all the eps in any particular order yet - I did not know that. That explains her bike handling.

scout said:
I like it when she just diverts to the sidewalk.
I was surprised she adroitly is on the sidewalk off the sidewalk around people as easily as walking through a crowded mall. And nobody had a care. Here in the States the only time that would be done would include knocking over a produce stand.
As always, I'm impressed with how she is handling stress and working her way through it. She is even rational and understanding of the reactions of some of the locals. This has gone from just being an excellent travel series to a full, edge of your seat, adventure thriller. Fingers crossed for her and Dhanno.
Geee ! Just watched today's video on youtube. The last day at the end of the video was march 30,,, So... Is she back to Netherland now ?
I checked her facebook page and her personnal web site. Nothing yet.

Wishing you all the luck, Noraly. To you and and Dhanno.
The tease for the next installment shows her in the pickup truck she hired, enroute to Lima, hopefully with Dhanno in the back. Gotta believe a local will store Dhanno for her and the government will make an exception on the bike permit because of the virus crisis.


I though exactly the same, exceptional circumstances.
With the bike?

That isn’t entirely clear. She may need to leave the bike behind in Lima - but that would require a special since, under the terms of her temporary import permit to bring her bike into Peru, she cannot depart the country without the bike.

Anyhow, now that the Dutch embassy is closely involved, let’s all hope that they can prevail on the local authorities to allow her to leave the bike behind in safe storage - if KLM cannot take it as cargo.I have been in some tight spots in developing world countries and she is doing exactly the right things: stay calm, put on a happy face and only stand your ground when absolutely necessary.

In my view, the biggest worry is that she is almost out of cash in a place with no infrastructure for cashless payments and no ATMs. She needs to get out of that little backwater town - chop-chop.

In times like these in a place like that - cash is king.
IMO Barber Museum ought to send an airplane for Dhanno and Royal Enfield ought to provide her a new one.

I totally agree with that Phil - and I wouldn’t doubt that plans are in the works for at least the second of those initiatives.

They already did trade her old bike “Basanti” for “Dhanno” when she was back in Holland between the Asia and Americas adventures. At that point she found that she could not register Basanti in her own name (regulations in India required her to “borrow” it from a purchaser who was an Indian citizen) and in any event, Basanti did not meet EU emissions and safety standards because it had been built and sold as a domestic model for India.

The Dutch R-E distributor actually traded her a brand new Himalayan for her old Basanti - gratis. Basanti has now become a display bike in their offices. Anyhow, if you check out her last couple of videos from her first trip, the story is all there.

I imagine that R-E and lots of other OEMs will be rushing to provide her with a whole new bike and gear so that she can continue once this all blows over. They couldn’t even begin to buy the positive press that Noraly and her kind, happy and professional approach provides.

In addition, she is a superb ambassador for motorcycle travel and for biking in general - and for that, I am grateful to her.
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Just finished S2, Eps 72 and the trailer as she headed towards Lima. Seems nearly certain that Dhanno is on the truck with her as she had put her foot down on not departing without her. The end decision was to risk it and hope for no problems by treating the bike as "luggage."

Hoping her next update posts up soon . . . with all good news.
BTW . . . thanks to kiltman for posting this up. I’ve really enjoyed Noraly sharing her adventures with us. I think my wife was somewhat jealous for a little while as I binge watched the episodes. Now, however, she’s as concerned as I am as we anxiously await news that she managed to evacuate - with Dhanno.

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We just skipped ahead to the last 5 episodes. Wow, she’s in a real conundrum. Really anxious for her, hoping she got Dhanno situated and a flight back home.
Ecuador is having a real Covid-19 crisis in some towns... South America is going to be the next hotspot. Who am I kidding, we're all going to be hotspots. Haven't checked the Facebook or vlog page today. Hope she stays safe.
From her Facebook page....
She says that she and Dhanno have made it to LIma in one piece. Part 1 of her journey out of Peru will be posted on her Youtube channel in the next hour or so.

I am glad she is getting out of there. Not the place to be in times like this.
She says that she and Dhanno have made it to LIma in one piece. Part 1 of her journey out of Peru will be posted on her Youtube channel in the next hour or so.
Good to hear. I skipped way ahead and just watch Ep. 72 the last before her exfil from Peru. She was definitely approaching her last nerve but rallied every time.

When she said she was almost out of cash I had two immediate thoughts. 1) she would quickly be in dire straits. 2) that statement might be viewed by detractors as a money grab. But she then mention '...and no way to get it to me... ATM' to which I inferred she had money just not cash.

I see almost every YT vid has a thousand or thousands of comments. I read the first few and have yet to see a bad one but apparently there are some. It's YT so of course there are. Like many others I just don't understand any negativity aimed at her. I'm waiting for the next vid fingers crossed.
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