Stuck in Lima... and still so darned chipper!
Thanks for posting the link Shuey!Glad to see she's well situated, safe and as usual . . . good spirits.
There must be an easier way to bring up new Episodes. I've "subscribed" but haven't seen any benefit of doing it yet. I'm basically bookmarking the most recent video I've seen, then bring it up and pick the next Episode when it's displayed on the list on the right hand side of the screen. A little cumbersome, but it works. Guidance anyone?
For those, like me that don't quite have the hang of hunting up YouTube videos, here's Noraly's latest post, Season 2, Episode 75.
Glad to see she's well situated, safe and as usual . . . good spirits.
There must be an easier way to bring up new Episodes. I've "subscribed" but haven't seen any benefit of doing it yet. I'm basically bookmarking the most recent video I've seen, then bring it up and pick the next Episode when it's displayed on the list on the right hand side of the screen. A little cumbersome, but it works. Guidance anyone?
For those, like me that don't quite have the hang of hunting up YouTube videos, here's Noraly's latest post, Season 2, Episode 75.
I had seen one of those signs in an episode awhile ago. Didn't know it was so global......
I noticed in the previous video that at one of the checkpoints they stopped in front of a all places, a Scotiabank!.,....
There must be an easier way to bring up new Episodes. I've "subscribed" but haven't seen any benefit of doing it yet. I'm basically bookmarking the most recent video I've seen, then bring it up and pick the next Episode when it's displayed on the list on the right hand side of the screen. A little cumbersome, but it works. Guidance anyone?
I would add to your list of things when dealing with "foreign" situations.......poor planning on your part does not necessarily make it an emergency on their part. ie. Things happen on their schedule, not yours. It is good if those schedules line up, but they don't always.
eg. I crossed the Argentina/Chile border 3 times before I encountered a Chilean border crossing that stated the bike's paper work was wrong. No amount of pointing out that it had worked before mattered. Fortunately, I was able to return to the Argentinian side, got the missing stamp and was good to go.
It doesn't surprise me that she gets them but that something that I haven't see or heard her reference before. I'm guessing the Lima constabulary or whom ever is responsible for the men only/women only shopping days is trying to minimize co-mingling in public. TCB and get back inside. Noraly has an indomitably positive spirit. I'm also impressed she's a polyglot. But then maybe a lot of people in other countries and Europe etc. are.most of all no cat calls!
Yes, much more than us...... But then maybe a lot of people in other countries and Europe etc. are.
You have to. Each European knows at least 3 languages as the neighboring country speaks a different one. Imagine if each state in the US would speak a different language. But it's also a good practice to learn (at least minimal) a language of the country you're going to. Goes long way.
Ms Schoenmaker doesn’t do a traditional blog with daily or weekly running posts. When you get to her home page click on any of the displayed images for articles (blog entries) below LATEST IN BIKERS GUIDE or MOTORCYCLE STORIES. OR... click on the chevron symbols above and to the right of images. The content is often compilations of what was given in blocks of the videos.I'm having difficulty with the blog.
But honestly, this is the first blog I've tried ti negotiate so it could be me.
YES! So do I. It and all its permutations. I use 'web log' and besides liking it better I found an unintended benefit in it annoying some people, especially when I say 'web logging'.'blog' (I hate the word)
So was this the origin of the stupid word?I use 'web log' and besides liking it better I found an unintended benefit in it annoying some people, especially when I say 'web logging'.
Anyone else have difficulty with her 'blog'? This is the first 'blog' (I hate the word) I've ever looked at. It doesn't seem too user friendly to find what she has recently had to say. At least for me.
Hope she made the plane.
ibike2havefun's Post # 327 guidance is working fine for me to get to her blogs. Thanks.
Not on Facebook, so . . . appreciate updates from others when info appears there first.