Itchy Boots

I’m glad she showed the route she took to Maragua. I was trying to follow along on Google maps (default, terrain and especially satellite) Friday. Had to backtrack as I didn’t catch her destination initially. Using “Hostal Samary Wasi” finally did the trick.

Anyway, I’d thought she had come in from Sucre via the south route. Which we now know is the way she came out this episode. Have a look at both routes... amazing terrain and tiny tracks!

Heh heh... “suicide shower” o_O
I’d have passed too!

John (Itchy Boots fanboy)
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Heh heh... “suicide shower” o_O
I’d have passed too!

Oh, come on John, you ride a bike, you can stand a little adventure in the shower too! :D

Seriously, these are common in most hotels and homes I have been in in Bolivia. You may have to skip a lot of showers if you don't like this. But I think I understood her to say it wasn't working anyway, so my guess is that she was willing to risk it if she got some warm water.
Videos on her videos. This fellow says he binged watched all of season one and concurs with what we already know. Noraly produces good videos. I put this up here as a piece of interest. I strongly urge you to fast forward to the 2:20 minute mark , that’s where he begins his critic on her videos, which are all positive by the way. (He’s done a number of takes,so his editing of his own work is a bit choppy, he should’ve changed the camera angle for each take instead of trying to be in the same location for each take....but I digress)
Noraly is making an impact on the clogging vlogging world.......

Edit ST Gui caught my typo and I stroked through it. Thanks.
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I put this up here as a piece of interest. I strongly urge you to fast forward to the 2:20 minute mark , that’s where he begins his critic on her videos, which are all positive by the way.
That was a really interesting video and well articulated. He was spot-on as to why they're so good. I especially like how he detailed it's just her and 'us'. That was an immediate feeling I had - being along for the ride and not just watching a vid.

I like his comments on her music choices as I really like her choices. That's the exception to my experiences. Gliding over hill and dale while blasting AC/DC is not my cuppa. There's a time and a place. To every season there is a soundtrack.

There was some other woman's bike videos that I saw - all of two and I was out. It felt like a travel log and not a road trip.

ST Gui (Noraly fanboy in training)
I wrote this on my ipad and auto correct is the bain of my existence.... I will edit the post
No worries. I knew that it was either a typo or an auto-correct foible. I just watched her Iran videos again and thoroughly enjoyed them. She really draws a crowd. I aways wonder if it's because:

she's a YT personality
it's the motorcycle
she's a white female (aka "foreigner")
she's a white female with blue eyes and blond hair on a motorcycle
she surprised everyone when she removed her helmet and showed her hijab

In Ep. 57 or so she really drew a crowd and everybody wanted to take pics and have their picture taken with her and see her interviewed. At one point there was a veritable throng watching. She was just a crowd magnet.

And from looking at a couple of other videos it seems that people in Iran seem to really want to chat with visitors. Really pretty heartwarming.
That was something at the gas station!
A few years ago I saw a guy attempting to fill a non approved container at the local gas bar, they told him it was illegal he kind of lost it for bit. ESL person so might have come from a place where buckets are used to transport gas.
It's amazing how these northern Europeans speak English like their own tongue. And know few more languages.
She should stop in on Suriname while in South America so she can speak a little Dutch to the locals. Might be hard getting through Peru or Brazil at the moment with both having locked their borders..
On her facebook page that is accessed thru her blog says she is stuck in a small town in Peru... From what I understand her vid's are a number of days behind her location.. Something about weirdo's trying to meet up with her. She get's flack from some people and has to filter the comments... Why would people give her grief?
Well, I got sucked in... I watched about half of season 1 yesterday. She's in central Thailand at that point. Think I'm hooked, although I'd rather watch one 20 minute video instead of four 5 minute videos. She is quite good at making these videos.
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