Itchy Boots

She's in Arabia now. It is unusual to see a woman without a relative man walking alone, or a woman driving a car. Women have no rights in these countries.
But because she's a foreigner they'll look a bit differently at her.
I've noticed that everyone is asking where's she from. But the following question would be "how much is the bike" and this question goes from Morocco to India. She's cutting it out.
Heck, I get this question from the gas station attendants here, lol (yeah, we have attendants in NJ).

Wonder what's next for her. She got 4 choices: Bahrain, Qatar(?), UAE and Oman. I don't think she'll go to Yemen or Jordan. Jordan is far and flying home is better from UAE (Dubai).
She may be coming to a city near you! This was off my Facebook feed.


I will be pausing my adventure to Japan briefly in June - for the release of my book “Free Ride”, coming out June 3rd.

That means, taking a break from my journey in the Middle East and… coming to the USA and UK for a booktour! Want to meet and get a signed copy of my book???

To figure out which places in the USA most of you are located, please help me out with a vote! These are the cities on the shortlist for the booktour, so if you are interested in coming to an event, please write your preferred city in the comments!

Denver, CO
Boulder, CO
Salt Lake City, UT
Phoenix, AZ
Flagstaff, AZ
Albuquerque, NM
Waco, TX
San Antonio, TX
Portland, OR
Seattle, WA
Chicago, IL
Franklin, IN
St Louis, MO

#itchyboots #booktour #freeride #meetup #usa #revitrider #adv #adventurerider #moskomoto #airohhelmet #airohfamily #offroad #dirtrider #advtraveller
And nothing to the East, or Southeast.
She has more followers in the west than the large eastern population centers?

That list has to have been generated by her book publisher who might not know anything about the size of those cities. Franklin, IN? That city had a population of 25,999 (2023). It would make more sense to hit large cities.... Or is Franklin a hotbed of motorcycle activity?
India was traveled again, recently.
My overactive brain doesn't do well with dates in the past... come to think of it, not too great with future events, either.
"I'm not into time, man." ~Tommy Chong
Seems to me a large Honda dealership like Southern Powesports in Chattanooga would be an ideal venue but what do I know... Franklin a hotbed of motorcycle activity?

Waco Tx (pop 145,000) certainly is....

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