
A tourist is in Scotland with a tour guide in the highlands. Throughout the venture, the tourist is making fun of the tour guide, mocking his accent, calling him a lowly farmer boy, and just generally being totally nasty while laughing it off as a joke.

Soon they come to a field and there is an animal the tourist does not recognize. The tour guide tells him what it is.

Suddenly the tourist says, “wait…I have two degrees from a prestigious institution and you…well, don’t. How can you call that animal a contradiction in terms?”

The tour guide looks him in the eye and says, “I did’na say it was a contradiction in terms. I said it was an OX, YA MORON!!!”
That term is highly contradictory... its proven to be not 'common'... at all... :unsure:
I've often said that while the current trend over here seems to be 'renaming' stuff they should change that to 'uncommon' sense to reflect reality. ;)
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