This guy was driving down the freeway, a cute little bunny rabbit ran out in the road, he tried to miss it but he ended up running right over the thing. He pulled over and walked back to check on it. The bunny was dead, smashed, ran over. He was all bent out of shape about it. Suddenly a woman in a nice sports car rolls by. She sees him looking at the poor rabbit so she pulls over. She gets out of her car, walks up to the guy and says “what’s going on? Is everything okay?” The guy says “I just ran over this poor rabbit, he’s gone, there’s nothing I can do!”
She says “hold on a moment I have exactly what you need!” The guy looks at her like she’s crazy, thinking *****? The rabbits dead, what can possibly be done? She goes to her car, grabs a can out of the console, walks back over to him and the rabbit and she sprays the rabbit with whatever is in the can. She looks at him and says “there you go! Problem solved!” He’s still like *****? This chicks gone mad. Suddenly the rabbit stands up, it walks like ten feet, turns around and waves. It walks another ten feet, turns around and waves. It does that all the way until he can’t see the rabbit anymore.
He’s amazed, he asks her “ ma’am what do you have in that magical can?” She says “oh it’s just hairspray, it revives dead hair and adds permanent wave!”