Dyna beads vs Counteract balancing beads

I put Counteract beads in a new front BT45 several months ago. I've since put 13.5k miles on it and it now needs replacing. The tire has worn very well and evenly... no cupping like the previous BT45 that was on there that saw the same rider, same roads and same riding style. These are some pics of the BT45 with 13.5k on it...

Paul, I'm planning on putting in the beads on my next tire change so good to hear that you're happy with them. Good to see you again yesterday, good luck with the new tire. :)
Hey Dave, good to see you too. Thanks again for the tire deal... looking forward to wearing it out!
May I ask how you recovered the beads during your tire change? When we changed a back tire containing Dynabeads they shot all over the garage floor and almost got me permabanned from Rocketman's tire shop. :D
May I ask how you recovered the beads during your tire change? When we changed a back tire containing Dynabeads they shot all over the garage floor and almost got me permabanned from Rocketman's tire shop. :D

Hi Barry. I brought the wheel assembly into the shop and told the guy it had beads inside. He broke the bead and carefully removed the tire, we stood the tire up and used a piece of paper to slide under the beads and then drop them in a bag. We got about 95% of them. It was his first time dealing with them.
I am running beads also and have done one set of tire changes. Broke the beads and mounted tire to my changer. Removed one side. Took a womans nylon stocking and put it into a shop vac hose, rolling the open end over the vac nozzle making a collection bag in the hose. Vacuumed the beads out of the tire by lifting one side. The beads were nicely contained in the stocking and allowed an easy way to dispense them back into the new tire by pouring them out of the stocking. Will continue to reuse them until?????
Took a womans nylon stocking and put it into a shop vac hose, rolling the open end over the vac nozzle making a collection bag in the hose. Vacuumed the beads out of the tire by lifting one side. The beads were nicely contained in the stocking and allowed an easy way to dispense them back into the new tire by pouring them out of the stocking.

Clever idea Kevin... I'll have to try that.
I prefer the counteract beads to the dynabeads they dont seem to break down like the dynas do and they aren't as abrasive as the dyna beads. Kevin I do a similar collection process or use a cap from an aerosol can and just roll the tire a bit and fill the cap with the beads. I don't think its a good idea to reuse the beads more than a couple of times also you should weigh them to make sure you have the required 2 OZ
FWIW, here are my two used tires and how they wore, both with Counteract beads, 1 oz. in front and 2 oz. in back.

Front: Exedra with 15,117 miles...Used Exedra.jpg

Rear: Michelin Commander II with20,218 miles
Used Mich Comm II.jpg

As you can see, they both wore well and evenly.
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Paul, the pics aren't coming through for me. So what is your opinion of the counteract beads? Good, even wear?
Paul, the pics aren't coming through for me. So what is your opinion of the counteract beads? Good, even wear?

Not sure what happened... I reloaded the pics, hopefully you can see them now. Yes, I do like beads. My tires wear very evenly with them, much more so than without.
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